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"The 10 Worst Singaporean Foods for High Cholesterol"


"The 10 Worst Singaporean Foods for High Cholesterol"


Food in our Singapore DNA​

Singapore is renowned for its diverse and flavorful culinary landscape. However, some local delights, tempting as they are, can be detrimental to cholesterol levels, affecting cardiovascular health. In this article, which is optimized for search engine visibility, we unravel the 10 most unhealthy Singaporean foods that are bad for high cholesterol and provide alternatives to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle.

1. Hainanese Chicken Rice​

The rich and flavorful chicken rice is a national favorite but can be high in cholesterol due to the skin and the way it’s cooked. Opt for skinless chicken and less oily rice for a healthier version.

2. Char Kway Teow​

This flavorful stir-fried noodle dish, laden with dark soy sauce, prawns, and cockles, is high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Choose versions with more vegetables and less oil to reduce unhealthy fat intake.

3. Laksa​

The creamy coconut milk base in Laksa is saturated fat-rich, potentially elevating cholesterol levels. Opt for a smaller portion or a reduced-coconut version if available.

4. Nasi Lemak​

Another coconut milk-based dish, Nasi Lemak with its fried accompaniments, is calorie-dense and high in saturated fats. Opt for grilled sides and reduce the intake of coconut milk rice.

5. Chilli Crab​

Singapore’s iconic Chilli Crab is delicious but can be high in cholesterol due to the crabmeat and the rich, sweet, and spicy sauce. Enjoy in moderation and balance with steamed or grilled seafood options.

6. Hokkien Mee​

This stir-fried noodle dish, rich in prawns and squid, is high in unhealthy fats and cholesterol. A balanced portion with more vegetables and lean protein can be a healthier alternative.

7. Roti Prata​

This Indian-origin flatbread is usually fried and can be high in trans fats, contributing to high cholesterol. Opt for less oily versions or switch to whole-grain alternatives.

8. Bak Kut Teh​

While the pork rib soup is high in flavor, it’s also high in saturated fats. Choose leaner cuts of meat and skim off excess fat from the soup for a heart-healthier choice.

9. Satay​

These flavorful skewers, often paired with rich peanut sauce, can be high in saturated fats, especially if made with fatty cuts of meat. Opt for lean cuts and moderate the sauce intake.

10. Curry Puff​

This savory pastry is often deep-fried, making it high in unhealthy fats. Baked or air-fried versions can be a healthier alternative, reducing the risk of high cholesterol.

Byebye Penis

nutritionist told me fried oyster egg is the worst, not char kway teow.

fried oyster egg 蚝煎 is worse than zhichar's oyster omelette 蚝蛋 and both use oysters from contaminated waters.

Byebye Penis

most soups are unhealthy because of sodium.

Good soup or gravy needs loads of sodium.

Eg. nice prata curry also contains more salt.


All hawker food unhealthy ever since those new hawkers put loads of sugar, salt & oil & NEA simply bochap except to collect rent & outsource to coy to run.


High cholesterol is it really bad? What and why high cholesterol is bad? I thought only vegetable oils n hydrogenated oils is bad