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Thanks to good Angmoh culture of honoring philanthropist, some hokkien heroes get to leave their good names behind




Why they can’t just name the school or hospital after themselves when they did good deedS spent money to build them? Of course cannot lah because they are smart people that know evil ingrate dogs will be attacking them just like how @musclepower trample me for doing good deeds as if I am doing evil.


Why they can’t just name the school or hospital after themselves when they did good deedS spent money to build them? Of course cannot lah because they are smart people that know evil ingrate dogs will be attacking them just like how @musclepower trample me for doing good deeds as if I am doing evil.
The hokkien heroes do good must name it anything except their name if not get attacked by dogs @musclepower as 好大喜功!do good deeds cannot let people feel indebted blah blah blah 道德绑架 others while dogs sit there not just do nothing good but do evil with dog pride and take take take benefits from do good humans.


A chink philanthropist? That's an oxymoron.
If ever that happens is because that is a trade off from incarcerating them for stealing and illegally enriching themselves.
Plenty of proof in Singapore history that Hokkiens are philanthropists and definitely “immense benefactors” of Singapore from Tan tock Seng hospital to reservoir to NTU to everything. And please note not all Chinese are the same just like not all Europeans are the same.