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Thailand and Cambodia fight!


But 240km away in Bangkok, the city is still full of buzz with lots of LOVE. Thailand need tourist support, I was there over the weekend, everything is cheap, cheap cheap. 2000 THB for a whole nigh of fun! However, they clean up the place alot liao.

Useless ASEAN...

Thailand and Cambodia clash again along border
Houses in the area were destroyed in the fighting At least four soldiers have been killed in fighting along the border between Thailand and Cambodia, raising the death toll to 10 in two days.

Troops exchanged artillery and gunfire in jungle around Ta Krabey temple, which both sides claim.

The area is about 200km (125 miles) west of the disputed 900-year-old Preah Vihear temple, the scene of deadly clashes in February.

Thousands of civilians have been evacuated from the area.

The BBC's Rachel Harvey in Bangkok says it is not immediately clear what sparked the most recent violence.

Both sides blamed each other for the fighting.

"Fresh fighting started at around 0600 (2300 GMT Friday) with rifles and mortar shelling," said Thai army spokesman Col Prawit Hookaew.
"We are negotiating to stop the fighting," he added.

Thai officials said one Thai soldier had been killed and more than four injured. Cambodian officials said three of their troops had died.

They said artillery shelling had also taken place, and described the fighting as more intense than that on Friday.

Cambodia said three of its soldiers were killed on Friday and six wounded while a Thai spokesman told the BBC that three of its soldiers had been killed and 11 injured.

Until Friday, an informal truce had appeared to be holding.

Indonesia, which has been negotiating peace talks between the two neighbours on behalf of the regional group Asean, has called for an immediate ceasefire.
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