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Thai man can't afford meal for himself on daughter's birthday, daughter refuses to eat as well


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

A man in Thailand and his daughter captured the public's hearts after a birthday meal.

According to Thai media, the man had taken his daughter to a shabu-shabu restaurant for her birthday.

However, he could not afford meals for both of them, so he told the daughter to eat alone as he waited for her outside.

The daughter refused, saying she would not have the meal unless they had it together.

The two then stood up to walk out of the restaurant.

A birthday treat​

However, a waitress had overheard the conversation and had told the owner.

The owner then stopped them from leaving and treated them to a free meal.

She didn't stop there. After finding out it was the daughter's birthday, the owner asked her staff to get a cake for the birthday girl.

A Facebook post detailing the incident showed the owner and staff in tears.

Video :


Alfrescian (Inf)
Contrast this with the peanuts the elites and the ministers are earning

Wednesday, March 7, 2012​

July 13, 2005: Mrs Goh: I've full trust in NKF and its CEO​

July 13, 2005:
Mrs Goh: I've full trust in NKF and its CEO THE NKF's patron, Mrs Goh Chok Tong, told reporters at the close of the case that she had complete trust in the organisation and its chief executive, Mr T.T. Durai.
She had come to court on both days of the hearing and sat on the NKF side. Yesterday, she was there for part of the morning and again in the afternoon.

As Senior Counsel Davinder Singh led Mr Durai to concede point by point that he had no case, Mrs Goh, a lawyer, could be seen shaking her head.
After the hearing, Mrs Goh was asked by reporters what she thought about the way the case went.
She said it did not make sense to her to attack an organisation which helped the sick. All the NKF had wanted from The Straits Times was a retraction, she said, but the case had been extended to question NKF's transparency and 'expensive things'.
'Why make a fuss out of it?' she asked.
She said she would continue as patron, and added: 'I have complete trust in the NKF and Mr Durai.'
Asked if Mr Durai's annual salary and bonuses were 'excessive', she replied: 'For a person who runs a million-dollar charitable organisation, $600,000 is peanuts as it has a few hundred millions in reserves.'


View attachment 138466

A man in Thailand and his daughter captured the public's hearts after a birthday meal.

According to Thai media, the man had taken his daughter to a shabu-shabu restaurant for her birthday.

However, he could not afford meals for both of them, so he told the daughter to eat alone as he waited for her outside.

The daughter refused, saying she would not have the meal unless they had it together.

The two then stood up to walk out of the restaurant.

A birthday treat​

However, a waitress had overheard the conversation and had told the owner.

The owner then stopped them from leaving and treated them to a free meal.

She didn't stop there. After finding out it was the daughter's birthday, the owner asked her staff to get a cake for the birthday girl.

A Facebook post detailing the incident showed the owner and staff in tears.

Video :

great to read this type of story once in awhile.... brings out the human in us

A Singaporean

Very touching especially these are not blonde hair with blue eyes. Otherwise Sinkies will all jump onto the bandwagon to start a donation drive.


Aiyo this kind of KC Stories are as old as time.

mother sick, village flooded, brother accident, father got cancer, etc etc


Alfrescian (Inf)
Touching and sad at the sad time. Nice gesture from the owner to make the girl's Birthday a memorable one for her. Dad is probably a poor single father left in the lurch by his materialistic ex partner. Common situation in Thailand. Either man left the girl or the girl left the man. Usually money is the cause of the break up. Hopefully this girl will study hard and get the support she needs so that she's able to go to a University and obtain a good job to support her father. But then again, once a Thai girl from a poor family grows up, the temptation to join her friends in the flesh trade is very strong due to the good money and the comfortable lifestyle. Sadly this is the vicious cycle of life for many young Thai women who regard it as normal to be ladies of the night to support their families.