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Thai bro wakes up with a cobra in his boxers. Calls animal rescuers for help.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)

Thai man wakes up with cobra in his boxer shorts; friend calls animal rescuers for help​


A rescuer can be seen pulling the cobra out of the man's boxer shorts with a hook. PHOTO: NER KHWAI TAI/FACEBOOK

JUN 23, 2024, 09:00 AM

A man in Thailand woke up to a terrifying ordeal when he found a cobra in his boxer shorts.

One of his friends then called animal rescuers, who helped extricate the venomous snake.

In a Facebook video posted by snake rescuer Ner Khwai Tai on June 8, two Snake and Rescue Rayong personnel are seen rescuing the cobra.

The man was sleeping on a cushion on the cement floor when it slithered its way in.

The incident happened at the man’s home in Rayong city, in the eastern part of Thailand.

One of the rescuers used a hook to pull the reptile out.

By the time the rescue team arrived, a crowd had already gathered at the man’s home.

Mr Ner’s video of the rescue has since been viewed over a million times, with accompanying pun-appropriate comments made.

“There is still one left,” one said, while another one counselled: “Don’t catch the wrong one.”

“Where are the eggs?” someone else asked.

Earlier in February, a man from New York City caught trying to smuggle three Burmese pythons in his pants was sentenced to a year’s probation and fined US$5,000 (S$6,800).

Calvin Bautista, 38, was charged in 2022 after he confessed to attempting to smuggle the reptiles – listed as among the world’s most vulnerable – into the United States in July 2018.

syed putra

I would have jumped pulling the boxer down.
When young, you can see cobras eating one another after egg was hatched. Very violent life. Hence its eyes have the "no mercy" look.