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Temasek Holdings Said To Be Buying Bitcoin Since 2018


Old Fart
Well done Madam Ho Ching and gang:thumbsup: Finally bought something that appreciates in value:roflmao:

S’pore Sovereign Wealth Fund Temasek Holdings Said To Be Buying Bitcoin Since 2018

text: S'pore Sovereign Wealth Fund Temasek Holdings Said To Be Buying Bitcoin Since 2018

© Provided by Vulcan Post S'pore Sovereign Wealth Fund Temasek Holdings Said To Be Buying Bitcoin Since 2018

Disclaimer: Microsoft News is currently reviewing the accuracy of this story with the publisher due to social media source. Updates will be published here if needed.

According to Global Macro Investor Raoul Pal, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdings has been purchasing Bitcoin from miners.

This information was revealed by Raoul during a recent podcast appearance. However, he also repeated the same claim on Twitter.

The information was however, not confirmed by Temasek Holdings.

graphical user interface, application: Screenshot from Twitter

© Provided by Vulcan Post Screenshot from Twitter

Temasek Holdings Limited is a Singaporean holding company, owned by the Government of Singapore. It owns and manages a net portfolio of S$306 billion (as of 31 March 2020).

The sovereign wealth fund manager is not new to cryptocurrency space. Back in 2018, it invested in Binance Singapore, a platform that allows Singaporeans to buy Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

At the time of writing, one Bitcoin is worth US $53,773.47 (S$72,422.92). According to Coindesk data, it was worth around US $14,000 (S$18,855) in 2018.

chart: Bitcoin prices from 1 January 2018 to 26 March 2021 / Image Credit: Coindesk

© Provided by Vulcan Post Bitcoin prices from 1 January 2018 to 26 March 2021 / Image Credit: Coindesk

The popularity of Bitcoin has recently been soaring to new heights, and even traditional banking giants like Morgan Stanley have started offering access to Bitcoin funds.

Most recently, electric car giant Tesla has also started accepting Bitcoin as a payment method for its vehicles.
Featured Image Credit: Financial Times

The post S’pore Sovereign Wealth Fund Temasek Holdings Said To Be Buying Bitcoin Since 2018 appeared first on Vulcan Post.



read all these financial news with a pinch of salt,
just have to remember as far as the elites are concerned, profitable ventures big % into their own pockets, losing ventures take from public coffers, Huat ah....


Alfrescian (Inf)
coinbase going ipo soon. many soon to be millionaire employees in cal are told by their financial advisors to move to nevada to avoid paying ca’s 13.3% capital gains tax when they cash out their stock options.


Old Fart
coinbase going ipo soon. many soon to be millionaire employees in cal are told by their financial advisors to move to nevada to avoid paying ca’s 13.3% capital gains tax when they cash out their stock options.
Lagi better is move to the Cayman islands like Raoul. Sun, sea, sex, and surf.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lagi better is move to the Cayman islands like Raoul. Sun, sea, sex, and surf.
billionaires like you can buy private jet and jetset anywhere to have all 6.9 s’s. in fact sg is now rated top hub for billionaires to park their funds. zero capital gains tax. lagi best.


Old Fart
billionaires like you can buy private jet and jetset anywhere to have all 6.9 s’s. in fact sg is now rated top hub for billionaires to park their funds. zero capital gains tax. lagi best.
yah, sinkieland is a tax haven, all those rich mutherfuckers love to set up base here. I am but a ruppiah billionaire, can't wait to take my catamaran to Batam again!
