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Temasek 45m gone with the wind




Old Fart
It's just another day at the office for those fuckwits. They are experts at nationalising losses and privatising profits. We all suffer lor.


Temasick Director A: Hey, later 12 go where makan?
Temasick Director B: ching chai lah, maybe Fullerton buffet? Can eat till 3, soon bian have afternoon tea there? Hehehe.
Temasick Director A: on!


Alfrescian (Inf)
They can just say long term investments or can afford to be contrarian (with our CPF monies ) and all will be fine-basically can do no wrong .
No funds , just increase CPF contributions or various taxes , COE price, ERP pcice, land price and hey presto, billions will come rolling in.
Ever wonder why there is no capital gain tax or estate duty was abolished but GST keeps going up?
Sheep will never figure it out
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Temasick Director A: Hey, later 12 go where makan?
Temasick Director B: ching chai lah, maybe Fullerton buffet? Can eat till 3, soon bian have afternoon tea there? Hehehe.
Temasick Director A: on!
More like....
Ho ching:let's celebrate we loss only 45mil instead of 450mil, what a good job we do for Singkees. We restricted their gst to 9% if not my evil hubby will increase to 12%

Temasek ceca director: madam Ho Ching, you are too kind, how can singkees ever repay your kindness in this life time.

Ho ching: don't mention it, its just my personality to be kind, i am brought up this way


So sinkees got to cross our fingers that she only lost $45 m instead of $450 M and got to thank her for losing so little ? LOL...


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's just another day at the office for those fuckwits. They are experts at nationalising losses and privatising profits. We all suffer lor.
What due diligence, or risk assessment did they do?
As an insolvency pracatitioner, I am able, ready, and willing to assist, provided the umbrage gentleman is not on the team.
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