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Teen SPG Asking for Rear Entry?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 05 Jul 2010
Girl exposes half her butt in incredibly short shorts in the heart of Orchard Rd


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Emilia was horrified to see this girl (right) parading in her skimpy outfit at 313@Somerset, a shopping mall along Orchard Road.

She relates in her email:

"My sister and I were shopping when we were confronted by the sight of this girl exposing half her butt in public.

'While everyone was shopping, she was busy parading her skimpy outfit in public. Passers-by were constantly staring at her but she was nonchalant and even behaved as if she was the chio-est girl in the mall. She must be preparing for a swim in the Orchard Rd flood.

"Such attire might be common at night for clubbing but is highly inappropriate for shopping in broad daylight in crowded places. Parents can put in effort to guide their children and remind them of their limits but ultimately, teenagers cannot be stopped when they really set their mind on something.

"I hope that the youth will not be so wild and show some respect for themselves and the public."

Responding to this story, STOMPer SeeNoEvil says he is concerned about how more and more young Singaporean girls are dressing up inappropriately.

Said the STOMPer:

"If you walk around in town, you see many young girls dressed like this, as if they are going to Sentosa or something. And what's alarming is that these girls don't seem to realise it. Even if they do, it seems they don't care.

"I think this is where parents should step in and exercise some control over how their daughters are wearing.

"But then again, I'm not sure if the parents are even aware that their girls are dressed inappropriately when they go out."


Keywords: skimpy , girl
I have seen more incredible things at Orchard Rd..nothing alarming!
Why doesn't this stomper just mind her own business?
What business is it of hers that some chio bu wants to expose part of her butt? :)
ris low can walk down orchard road in her RAD Beginee, what's stopping other girls to walk down orchard rd in tiny shorts? if there's no cleavage to showoff on top, there's always the bottom cleavage!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ipMgGf_YEms&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1?rel=0&amp;color1=0x3a3a3a&amp;color2=0x999999"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ipMgGf_YEms&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1?rel=0&amp;color1=0x3a3a3a&amp;color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
This girl's exposing ALL of her butt in public. Half a butt is no big deal.:rolleyes:


Alamak, it cheapens all the Sg girls. No wonder the Banglas couldnt resist stretching our their hands to exercise. It's Geylang in Orchard Road.
maybe when they saw the PRC competition wearing, so they copy.
if superman can wear his red underwear outside why can't these sg sch meimei?
anyway, nowsday wearing only bikini in orchard very common liao mah.
Wearing revealing clothes does not equate to asking for rear entry.
Ok mah... pung sai no nid 2 take out pant...bery convenient wat...:D:D
She obviously likes to be seen with her butt partially exposed. She doesn't mind at all!J Why should we mind? She has not committed any crime. Just remember this- see no touch!:D
If krafty is to spot her, he will be on all fours facing her butt or panty, to anticipate her fart or smelling her cunt, to get his highs !!:D
ah_phah's Avatar
ah_phah ah_phah is offline
Alfrescian (S)

from your avatar, may iask were you from guards unit?
You tell me weather they deserve it? I think they asked for it.


S'pore student on HK exchange stint gang-raped

[Above: Lan Kwai Fong, in the Central district, where the Singaporean undergrad met her attackers in a bar. ]

A SINGAPOREAN undergraduate was gang-raped last month while on an exchange programme in Hong Kong, Hong Kong newspaper Sing Tao Daily reported on Sunday.

The Hong Kong police have arrested a man in connection with the crime, and are looking for two others who are believed to have been involved.

The woman, 22, had gone alone to a bar in Lan Kwai Fong, an area in the Central district with many bars and restaurants, and had become drunk.

Three Nepalese men who worked in the bar - two of whom are believed to be brothers - approached her and invited her to a party on a yacht.

She accepted their invitation, and they took her to a yacht in the Causeway Bay area, where they took turns to rape her, for a total of six times.

The men had left by the time she woke up the following morning.

She made a police report, and was taken to hospital for an examination.

Police in Hong Kong have classified the case as rape, the newspaper said.

Police identified the three men, after visiting the bar and the yacht and reviewing the bar's closed-circuit television footage, and arrested one of the men near Lan Kwai Fong.

寇鴻萍夫 涉姦女模被捕
寇鴻萍夫 涉姦女模被捕


* 寇鴻萍夫涉姦女模被捕 案發旗下酒吧 重案組調查 (明報)(05:05)
* 酒吧曾破迷幻派對 檢毒品「迷姦水」(明報)(05:05)

(明報) 7月6日 星期二 07:45

(星島) 7月6日 星期二 06:30

FEVAR Club 是非多籮籮
(星島) 7月6日 星期二 06:30

(星島日報報道)梁廷鏘與妻子寇鴻萍合資開設多間餐廳及酒吧,包括連鎖餐廳采蝶軒、泰國菜館L16、意大利酒吧餐廳PALA及酒吧FEVAR Club等。二人經營的餐廳及酒吧多年來是非不絕,其中以FEVAR...
(星島) 7月6日 星期二 06:30

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疑發生強姦案的蘭桂坊Fevar Club...




* 「盆景貓」鬧風波母代女道歉(星島)7月6日 星期二 06:30
* 酒吧曾破迷幻派對 檢毒品「迷姦水」(明報)7月6日 星期二 05:05
* 寇鴻萍夫涉姦女模被捕 案發旗下酒吧 重案組調查 (明報)7月6日 星期二 05:05

酒吧曾破迷幻派對 檢毒品「迷姦水」
(明報)2010年7月6日 星期二 05:05

【明報專訊】震撼名流圈的迷姦案據悉發生於蘭桂坊 Fevar Club酒吧,上址開業3年來曾招惹不少麻煩,除梁廷鏘與股東一度傳出金錢糾紛,警方亦曾在上址搗破迷幻派對及檢獲「迷姦水」。去年,梁廷鏘曾被拍攝到在上址與性感女子擁抱親暱,鬧出婚姻危機。

藝人合伙 性感鋼管舞招徠

Fevar Club位於蘭桂坊加州大廈4樓,2007年,寇鴻萍 和梁廷鏘夫婦斥資數百萬元,拉攏甄子丹 夫婦等多名藝人合伙開辦,去年曾傳出股東間因分帳問題起糾紛。該店面積約4000方呎,以私人會所形式經營,為招攬高消費顧客群,不惜聘請性感女郎大跳火辣鋼管舞。

因吸引不少娛樂圈中人光顧,該酒吧特設秘道供客人在有需要時低調離場。去年10月3日凌晨,警方懷疑有人在Fevar Club開迷幻派對,突擊掃場拘捕3男1女,檢獲200多粒『K仔』、搖頭丸和兩支「迷姦水」。


09年4月,有神秘人在Fevar Club內拍攝到梁廷鏘被一名性感女子騎在大腿上,梁親吻對方頸項及擁抱其臀部,相片見報後引起轟動。梁廷鏘恐鬧成離婚,不斷向妻子寇鴻萍道歉,並指自己當時醉酒迷糊,「只是想推開對方,不知自己在做什麼」。寇鴻萍其後開腔力撐老公「冇偷食」,並繼續一起出席公開場合。此後,梁廷鏘成為狗仔隊經常跟蹤的對象。


寇鴻萍的女兒唐貝詩曾擔任Fevar Club的公關,身穿比堅尼搞派對宣傳,身為「富二代」的她,今年5月25日在個人微博上載了一幅「盆景貓」的照片,相中小貓被塞在奶樽,她留言說﹕「我今天訂購了一隻盆景貓,明天便有貨,yeah!」其留言被逾萬網民圍剿,譴責她虐畜。寇鴻萍事後出面感謝網民代為教女,一度拒絕認錯的唐貝詩終於道歉。

酒吧曾破迷幻派對 檢毒品「迷姦水」
(明報)2010年7月6日 星期二 05:05

【明報專訊】震撼名流圈的迷姦案據悉發生於蘭桂坊 Fevar Club酒吧,上址開業3年來曾招惹不少麻煩,除梁廷鏘與股東一度傳出金錢糾紛,警方亦曾在上址搗破迷幻派對及檢獲「迷姦水」。去年,梁廷鏘曾被拍攝到在上址與性感女子擁抱親暱,鬧出婚姻危機。

藝人合伙 性感鋼管舞招徠

Fevar Club位於蘭桂坊加州大廈4樓,2007年,寇鴻萍 和梁廷鏘夫婦斥資數百萬元,拉攏甄子丹 夫婦等多名藝人合伙開辦,去年曾傳出股東間因分帳問題起糾紛。該店面積約4000方呎,以私人會所形式經營,為招攬高消費顧客群,不惜聘請性感女郎大跳火辣鋼管舞。

因吸引不少娛樂圈中人光顧,該酒吧特設秘道供客人在有需要時低調離場。去年10月3日凌晨,警方懷疑有人在Fevar Club開迷幻派對,突擊掃場拘捕3男1女,檢獲200多粒『K仔』、搖頭丸和兩支「迷姦水」。


09年4月,有神秘人在Fevar Club內拍攝到梁廷鏘被一名性感女子騎在大腿上,梁親吻對方頸項及擁抱其臀部,相片見報後引起轟動。梁廷鏘恐鬧成離婚,不斷向妻子寇鴻萍道歉,並指自己當時醉酒迷糊,「只是想推開對方,不知自己在做什麼」。寇鴻萍其後開腔力撐老公「冇偷食」,並繼續一起出席公開場合。此後,梁廷鏘成為狗仔隊經常跟蹤的對象。


寇鴻萍的女兒唐貝詩曾擔任Fevar Club的公關,身穿比堅尼搞派對宣傳,身為「富二代」的她,今年5月25日在個人微博上載了一幅「盆景貓」的照片,相中小貓被塞在奶樽,她留言說﹕「我今天訂購了一隻盆景貓,明天便有貨,yeah!」其留言被逾萬網民圍剿,譴責她虐畜。寇鴻萍事後出面感謝網民代為教女,一度拒絕認錯的唐貝詩終於道歉。