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Chitchat Taxi hits woman using phone while crossing road-Guess race????



A woman was hit by a taxi while using a mobile phone and walking across a road last Friday, prompting netizens to urge pedestrians to be more careful.

Widely-circulated dashcam footage of the accident, which occurred in Lavender Street near Kempas Road, shows the woman seemingly on her mobile phone as she hurries across the road in the middle of slow-moving traffic.

She does not use a designated pedestrian crossing.

According to the video's timestamp, the incident happened at 3.12pm.

The clip shows the woman hurrying across two lanes of the four-lane road before pausing in the middle of the left-most lane.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Did she dent the taxi? poor taxi driver, have to waste one day of earnings to bring the vehicle in to service centre.