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Tan Kin Lian is Pro-CCP & Communism




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Actually its the Chinese national that are working very hard to improve the lives of the Dickators in the Commie Cunt Party. This old man is a joke. :biggrin:


Whenever the people from the establishment come out to endorse Tharman, they sing about his qualities and experience that are lacking in the other two candidates. It's insane to deny that Tharman is head and shoulder above the rest. However, when they tell you to vote for Tharman because of his seemingly superior qualities, they forgot about Mdm Halimah.

If TKL is not good enough because he lacks a certain quality which is abundant in Tharman, then what about Halimah? Why didn't they insist on the same qualities that Tharman has when they sold Mdm Halimah to us ? For example, international experience. Tharman is some big shot in World Economic Forum, and TKL is not. But what about Mdm Halimah ?

So TKL should not let Tharman decide the battlefield and fight him in his battlefield. TKL should adopt a slogan :

"If Halimah can do it, I can do it !"

Unless the establishment admits Halimah was a mistake.