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Chitchat Tan Cheng Bock lost 5 votes forever!

Scrooball (clone)



Bock eat what for break fast, stool what colour all so u must this appoint? Liddat very tired lah no? :laugh:


Wah this kind of people is a big loser.
He should just stfu and move on quietly.
By doing this it only shows he is poor in analysing people and stupidly voted for tcb in 2011.
How he confirm that voted for tkl will be wrong this time ?


Wah this kind of people is a big loser.
He should just stfu and move on quietly.
By doing this it only shows he is poor in analysing people and stupidly voted for tcb in 2011.
How he confirm that voted for tkl will be wrong this time ?
He didn't vote for TCB in 2011. He just wanted to make PSP members tulan TCB, and cause a rift between TCB and his supporters. 离间计

HIs family got 5 votes - old children or old parents and grandparents ? Old children, you think will listen to him ? Do you vote per your father's instructions ? Old parents will listen to him also ? Mai siao lah. :rolleyes: