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Taliban Holds 'Islamic & Jihadi' Film Festival In Kabul



The Taliban's Ministry of Information and Culture recently held the third short film festival with "cultural and jihadi" themes in Kabul.

The ministry announced that a film festival has been held in Kabul at a time when the law for the promotion of virtue of this group prohibits the publication of images of living beings.

The Taliban-controlled National Television reported that the Taliban's Afghan Film and Theater Directorate recently held the third festival of short films with jihadi themes in Kabul. According to the media outlet, the Taliban's Ministry of Information and Culture has handed out awards to some of the directors, writers, and cameramen participating in the festival.

At the closing ceremony of the festival, Atiqullah Azizi, the Taliban's deputy for culture and art, while announcing support for the production of jihadi films, said, "We call on all writers and filmmakers to make such films keeping in mind national and Islamic values."

This is while the Taliban's Law for the Promotion of Virtue criminalises the publication and distribution of images of humans and all animals.



The Taliban's Ministry of Information and Culture recently held the third short film festival with "cultural and jihadi" themes in Kabul.

The ministry announced that a film festival has been held in Kabul at a time when the law for the promotion of virtue of this group prohibits the publication of images of living beings.

The Taliban-controlled National Television reported that the Taliban's Afghan Film and Theater Directorate recently held the third festival of short films with jihadi themes in Kabul. According to the media outlet, the Taliban's Ministry of Information and Culture has handed out awards to some of the directors, writers, and cameramen participating in the festival.

At the closing ceremony of the festival, Atiqullah Azizi, the Taliban's deputy for culture and art, while announcing support for the production of jihadi films, said, "We call on all writers and filmmakers to make such films keeping in mind national and Islamic values."

This is while the Taliban's Law for the Promotion of Virtue criminalises the publication and distribution of images of humans and all animals.
if I am a hacker, i would hack into taliban national TV and stream JAV for all to enjoy.