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Taiwan shop owner found dead & foul lay on shop floor 9 days after planing to Cease Business Close Shop, FAMOUS YUMMY SHOP!

democracy my butt




2.6k 人追蹤

2018年7月25日 上午9:33







Rest for 9 days... well-known savory shop manager bizarre corpse shop! Black oozing water
[EBC Dongsen News]
EBC Dongsen News
2.6k person tracking
Dongsen News
July 25, 2018, 9:33 am
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A well-known steward stall owner in Yanji Street, Songshan District, Taipei City, was unexpectedly dead in the store. At 9 o'clock in the morning (24th), the staff was ready to open the door to work and found that the boss was lying in the iron roll door. The initial inspection had already died for many days. At present, external force intervention is excluded, and it is suspected that it is an accident when it hits the cervical vertebra when it falls.

The picture shows that the owner of the lo-mei shop is busy finishing the storefront and opening the iron gate to clean the house. I did not expect this picture to eventually become the last figure in the world.

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At the time, the staff found that the black body was under the iron roll door, and immediately informed the police to come to the scene. Since the corpse water was left out, the death time was long, but the boss was so good, how could he die strangely?

The people nearby said: "The whole body is dark and swollen. Then I don't know very well. I don't feel like a person. I thought it was a dummy or an inflatable doll. I found out that it was not like it, and then I reported it."

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The whole death case occurred at 6 o'clock on the evening of the 24th. The famous halogen stall in Yanji Street, Songshan District, Taipei City. The deceased was the owner of the Huang surname in the store. On the 15th of this month, he told the staff that he would stop doing business. After 9 days, it was silent, until the employees care, and the situation was discovered after opening the iron roll door.

Chen Zhifeng, director of the Beilun City, North City: "The reason for the blackening of the body is actually because there are a lot of things scattered during the death. The deceased is lying under the iron roll door. It seems that there is no trace of fighting."

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After the police investigation, there was no trace of fighting on the scene. The fatal wound was in the neck. It was suspected that it was falling behind and caused accidental death. The family also said that he had not contacted him for more than half a month, but the real cause of death was to undergo a forensic anatomy to give his family a clear explanation.

(cover image / Dongsen News)