You must know the reason(s) for the Suzhou flop...
Those nerds who were sent to help develop the Suzhou project are nincompoops who are completely ignorant of the Chinese history and culture.
They brought along the ugliest side of a typical singaporean elite: arrogant, cocky, bigheaded, snobbishness, stuck-up.. in their dealings with the local people.
As they are ignorant of the Chinese history and culture, they find it hard to gel with the local people.
To do biz in China, many deals, negotiations, discssions are not taking place in meeting room, but are done after office hours.
To do business in China, among other things, one must possess the art of singing, drinking, joking.. with the local people. Sadly, our rote-learners are "F" graders as far as singing, drinking and joking as concerned though they scored many distinctions in their examinations with the help of the 10-year series.
In a country where they could send out 神舟五号, 神舟六号, 神舟七号 within 30 years after the door being opened, those elites better know how to carry themselves appropriately.
They should ask themselves how come the Hongkongers and the Taiwanese do not face the same problems as those faced by Singaporeans?