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921也是!地震連續4月「次數驟降」 氣象局:不是好現象
編輯中心 / 綜合報導
21 小時前


© 由 NOWnews Network Co.,Ltd 提供 ▲全家罹難!921大地震「5歲妹奇蹟獨活」,真相曝光惹淚崩。(圖/翻攝自靈異公社) ▲921也是!地震連續4月「次數驟降」,氣象局:「不是好現象。」(圖/翻攝自靈異公社)
台灣位處菲律賓海板塊和歐亞板塊交界上,屬地震活躍區,平均每月地震超過 3000 次,但根據氣象局地震測報中心統計,自去年 9 月至 12 月,竟罕見出現連續 4 個月地震總數「低於平均值」,由於和 921 大地震前兆相似,氣象局也特別呼籲「要持續提高警覺!」
去( 2018 )年的花蓮發生規模 5.7 地震,讓人不禁聯想到 921 大地震,成了許多人心中的陰影。事實上,在大地震發生前,都出現長期地震次數偏低的共同點,但近 4 個月來,同樣罕見出現地震總數值少且低於平均值的狀況,氣象局提醒「今年 1 月地震數量有略微回升,要密切注意後續的地震活動,因為若地震低於平均值時間太久,未來發生大地震機率將提高」,認為這不是好現象。
過去有學者提醒,海溝型地震每百年就會發生一次,上次發生時間在 1815 年,目前已接近百年週期,讓不少民眾心驚膽顫。如今又發生地震數偏少的現象,是否正是大地震發生前兆?氣象局則表示,這只是地震前兆之一,以 4 個月低於平均值來說,時間還不算太長,只需持續關注後續地震發展,呼籲民眾不用太過驚慌。
https://www.msn.com/zh-tw/news/living/921也是-地震連 %E7%BA%8C4%E6%9C%88-%E6%AC%A1%E6%95%B8%E9%A9%9F%E9%99%8D-%E6%B0%A3%E8%B1%A1 %E5%B1%80-%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%AF%E5%A5%BD%E7%8F%BE%E8%B1%A1/ar-BBUTenx
921 is also! Earthquakes fell for the fourth consecutive month. Meteorological Bureau: Not a good phenomenon
Editorial Center / Comprehensive Report
21 hours ago
Pancreatic cancer, sugar, diabetes, Academia Sinica
The number of cancers in Taiwan has increased dramatically! The horror of the horror
Boyfriend is called for 5 days! She used the "evil 3 tricks" to laugh at the netizens.
▲The whole family is difficult! The 921 earthquake "5-year-old miracle miracle live alone", the truth is exposed to tears. (Picture/Revolving from the Spiritual Society) © Provided by NOWnews Network Co.,Ltd ▲The whole family is in trouble! The 921 earthquake "5-year-old miracle miracle live alone", the truth is exposed to tears. (Figure / flip through the spirit of the commune) ▲ 921 is also! The earthquake caused a sudden drop in the number of times in April. The Meteorological Bureau said: "It is not a good phenomenon." (Photo / Reversal from the spiritual community)
Taiwan is located at the junction of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate. It is a seismically active area with an average monthly earthquake of more than 3,000. However, according to the Seismological Survey and Evaluation Center of the Meteorological Bureau, it has been rare for 4 consecutive months since September to December last year. The total number of earthquakes is "below the average". Due to the similarity with the 921 earthquake, the Bureau of Meteorology has also called for "continue to be vigilant!"
The 5.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in Hualien (2018), which reminded people of the 921 earthquake and became the shadow of many people. In fact, before the occurrence of a major earthquake, there were commonalities in the number of long-term earthquakes. However, in the past four months, it was rare that the total number of earthquakes was small and below average. The Meteorological Bureau reminded that this January earthquake The number has slightly increased, and we must pay close attention to the subsequent seismic activity, because if the earthquake is less than the average time, the probability of a large earthquake will increase in the future, which is not a good phenomenon.
In the past, some scholars reminded that the trench type earthquake will occur once every 100 years. The last time occurred in 1815, and it is now close to a hundred-year cycle, which has aroused many people's fears. Now, the phenomenon of less earthquakes is happening. Is it a precursor to a major earthquake? The Bureau of Meteorology said that this is only one of the precursors to the earthquake. In terms of 4 months below the average, the time is not too long. It is only necessary to continue to pay attention to the follow-up earthquake development and appeal to the people not to be too alarmed.
March 18, 2019
<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span>
Taiwan should be careful about the second 921! The number of earthquakes has plummeted for 4 consecutive months...Expert: Too long to be "the same situation before 921"
In Taiwan, there are at least 2,000 earthquakes per month, but during the period from September to December last year, the number of earthquakes dropped sharply. Some experts said that this is likely to be a precursor to the earthquake! However, the Meteorological Bureau responded that there is no scientific basis to confirm that the earthquake is less likely to be related to a major earthquake, but if the time of the sudden drop in the number of earthquakes is too long, special attention must be paid.
March 18, 2019
In Taiwan, there are at least 2,000 earthquakes per month, but during the period from September to December last year, the number of earthquakes dropped sharply. Some experts said that this is likely to be a precursor to the earthquake! However, the Meteorological Bureau responded that there is no scientific basis to confirm that the earthquake is less likely to be related to a major earthquake, but if the time of the sudden drop in the number of earthquakes is too long, special attention must be paid! This situation did occur before the 921 earthquake.
According to the report of the Seismological Survey and Reporting Center of the Meteorological Bureau, from September to December 2018, the number of earthquakes within the four months has plummeted. On average, there should be 2,000 earthquakes per month, but it is reduced to only 1200. Around 1300, the obvious feelings have changed! Chen Wenshan, a professor at the Department of Geology at National Taiwan University, said that Taiwan's fault structure is numerous and complex, and each fault has an active cycle, but earthquakes do not occur on average, or it depends on the activity of the fault.
Chen Wenshan also cited the 921 earthquake as an example. He mentioned that the Cheguanpu fault had not had an earthquake for 30 years before the 921 occurred, but tens of thousands of earthquakes occurred in the two years after the 921, so the data can only be used for reference. It can be reasonably suspected that it may happen, but from a scientific point of view it does not make sense.
And there was no earthquake in the north, but at the beginning of the year, there were four earthquakes in Shilin and Jinshan. "This is really abnormal!", there will be no earthquake in the future, no time or place. I know that people can be alert and ready.
Chen Guochang, director of the Earthquake Monitoring and Reporting Center of the Bureau of Meteorological Affairs, also said that there is really no way to judge that a major earthquake will occur when the number of earthquakes is reduced. However, before the occurrence of 921, the number of earthquakes has become less, but it has become more after the occurrence, but it is not certain There is a connection.
Chen Guochang also mentioned that if the number of earthquakes is "long-term low", it may be 1 year to 10 months or more, and special attention must be paid. However, since January, the number of earthquakes in the whole Taiwan has gradually become normal, and the Meteorological Bureau has also paid close attention. Don't be too nervous, and the Bureau of Meteorology is continuing to strengthen the earthquake warning system. I hope that the time for issuing the warning can be shortened from 15 seconds to 10 seconds, so that everyone can receive a warning quickly.
<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"> </span>
TEEPR chaotic world male: Usually nothing can prepare emergency refuge bags needed for the earthquake!
Reference: Meteorological Bureau Seismic Measurement and Reporting Center
921也是!地震連續4月「次數驟降」 氣象局:不是好現象
編輯中心 / 綜合報導
21 小時前
台灣位處菲律賓海板塊和歐亞板塊交界上,屬地震活躍區,平均每月地震超過 3000 次,但根據氣象局地震測報中心統計,自去年 9 月至 12 月,竟罕見出現連續 4 個月地震總數「低於平均值」,由於和 921 大地震前兆相似,氣象局也特別呼籲「要持續提高警覺!」
去( 2018 )年的花蓮發生規模 5.7 地震,讓人不禁聯想到 921 大地震,成了許多人心中的陰影。事實上,在大地震發生前,都出現長期地震次數偏低的共同點,但近 4 個月來,同樣罕見出現地震總數值少且低於平均值的狀況,氣象局提醒「今年 1 月地震數量有略微回升,要密切注意後續的地震活動,因為若地震低於平均值時間太久,未來發生大地震機率將提高」,認為這不是好現象。
過去有學者提醒,海溝型地震每百年就會發生一次,上次發生時間在 1815 年,目前已接近百年週期,讓不少民眾心驚膽顫。如今又發生地震數偏少的現象,是否正是大地震發生前兆?氣象局則表示,這只是地震前兆之一,以 4 個月低於平均值來說,時間還不算太長,只需持續關注後續地震發展,呼籲民眾不用太過驚慌。
https://www.msn.com/zh-tw/news/living/921也是-地震連 %E7%BA%8C4%E6%9C%88-%E6%AC%A1%E6%95%B8%E9%A9%9F%E9%99%8D-%E6%B0%A3%E8%B1%A1 %E5%B1%80-%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%AF%E5%A5%BD%E7%8F%BE%E8%B1%A1/ar-BBUTenx
921 is also! Earthquakes fell for the fourth consecutive month. Meteorological Bureau: Not a good phenomenon
Editorial Center / Comprehensive Report
21 hours ago
Pancreatic cancer, sugar, diabetes, Academia Sinica
The number of cancers in Taiwan has increased dramatically! The horror of the horror
Boyfriend is called for 5 days! She used the "evil 3 tricks" to laugh at the netizens.
▲The whole family is difficult! The 921 earthquake "5-year-old miracle miracle live alone", the truth is exposed to tears. (Picture/Revolving from the Spiritual Society) © Provided by NOWnews Network Co.,Ltd ▲The whole family is in trouble! The 921 earthquake "5-year-old miracle miracle live alone", the truth is exposed to tears. (Figure / flip through the spirit of the commune) ▲ 921 is also! The earthquake caused a sudden drop in the number of times in April. The Meteorological Bureau said: "It is not a good phenomenon." (Photo / Reversal from the spiritual community)
Taiwan is located at the junction of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate. It is a seismically active area with an average monthly earthquake of more than 3,000. However, according to the Seismological Survey and Evaluation Center of the Meteorological Bureau, it has been rare for 4 consecutive months since September to December last year. The total number of earthquakes is "below the average". Due to the similarity with the 921 earthquake, the Bureau of Meteorology has also called for "continue to be vigilant!"
The 5.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in Hualien (2018), which reminded people of the 921 earthquake and became the shadow of many people. In fact, before the occurrence of a major earthquake, there were commonalities in the number of long-term earthquakes. However, in the past four months, it was rare that the total number of earthquakes was small and below average. The Meteorological Bureau reminded that this January earthquake The number has slightly increased, and we must pay close attention to the subsequent seismic activity, because if the earthquake is less than the average time, the probability of a large earthquake will increase in the future, which is not a good phenomenon.
In the past, some scholars reminded that the trench type earthquake will occur once every 100 years. The last time occurred in 1815, and it is now close to a hundred-year cycle, which has aroused many people's fears. Now, the phenomenon of less earthquakes is happening. Is it a precursor to a major earthquake? The Bureau of Meteorology said that this is only one of the precursors to the earthquake. In terms of 4 months below the average, the time is not too long. It is only necessary to continue to pay attention to the follow-up earthquake development and appeal to the people not to be too alarmed.
March 18, 2019
<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span>
Taiwan should be careful about the second 921! The number of earthquakes has plummeted for 4 consecutive months...Expert: Too long to be "the same situation before 921"
In Taiwan, there are at least 2,000 earthquakes per month, but during the period from September to December last year, the number of earthquakes dropped sharply. Some experts said that this is likely to be a precursor to the earthquake! However, the Meteorological Bureau responded that there is no scientific basis to confirm that the earthquake is less likely to be related to a major earthquake, but if the time of the sudden drop in the number of earthquakes is too long, special attention must be paid.
March 18, 2019
In Taiwan, there are at least 2,000 earthquakes per month, but during the period from September to December last year, the number of earthquakes dropped sharply. Some experts said that this is likely to be a precursor to the earthquake! However, the Meteorological Bureau responded that there is no scientific basis to confirm that the earthquake is less likely to be related to a major earthquake, but if the time of the sudden drop in the number of earthquakes is too long, special attention must be paid! This situation did occur before the 921 earthquake.
According to the report of the Seismological Survey and Reporting Center of the Meteorological Bureau, from September to December 2018, the number of earthquakes within the four months has plummeted. On average, there should be 2,000 earthquakes per month, but it is reduced to only 1200. Around 1300, the obvious feelings have changed! Chen Wenshan, a professor at the Department of Geology at National Taiwan University, said that Taiwan's fault structure is numerous and complex, and each fault has an active cycle, but earthquakes do not occur on average, or it depends on the activity of the fault.
Chen Wenshan also cited the 921 earthquake as an example. He mentioned that the Cheguanpu fault had not had an earthquake for 30 years before the 921 occurred, but tens of thousands of earthquakes occurred in the two years after the 921, so the data can only be used for reference. It can be reasonably suspected that it may happen, but from a scientific point of view it does not make sense.
And there was no earthquake in the north, but at the beginning of the year, there were four earthquakes in Shilin and Jinshan. "This is really abnormal!", there will be no earthquake in the future, no time or place. I know that people can be alert and ready.
Chen Guochang, director of the Earthquake Monitoring and Reporting Center of the Bureau of Meteorological Affairs, also said that there is really no way to judge that a major earthquake will occur when the number of earthquakes is reduced. However, before the occurrence of 921, the number of earthquakes has become less, but it has become more after the occurrence, but it is not certain There is a connection.
Chen Guochang also mentioned that if the number of earthquakes is "long-term low", it may be 1 year to 10 months or more, and special attention must be paid. However, since January, the number of earthquakes in the whole Taiwan has gradually become normal, and the Meteorological Bureau has also paid close attention. Don't be too nervous, and the Bureau of Meteorology is continuing to strengthen the earthquake warning system. I hope that the time for issuing the warning can be shortened from 15 seconds to 10 seconds, so that everyone can receive a warning quickly.
<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"> </span>
TEEPR chaotic world male: Usually nothing can prepare emergency refuge bags needed for the earthquake!
Reference: Meteorological Bureau Seismic Measurement and Reporting Center