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Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge)


A man previously sentenced for life imprisonment was vindicated yesterday 5 years after he was wrongly arrest and convicted for rape and murder. The real culprit was found by DNA and was found in the prison serving sentences of other sex offences. The real culprit now confessed to "Being at the scene during murder, but deny to be the killer". :mad:

The man previously sentenced for the crime have some other sexual criminal records of 2 molestations. Plus some eye witnesses positively identified him. So the mata charged him and the judge convicted him. However the doubt remains as the ahnd prints on the blooded rock which killed the woman does not match the convicted man's hands.

Now it is found that the prints matched the real culprit's hands and the DNA also matched. Some how currently Taiwan have a DNA library of convicts which they are matching against doubtful or unsolved cases.


江國慶翻版 龍井林女命案抓錯人

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/06/18 12:02</q>
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>又見江國慶案翻版!台中市五 年前一名林姓女子,遭歹徒用鵝卵石砸死,嫌犯柯嘉文四度被重判無期徒刑,但更三審、更四審都改判無罪,台中檢方重啟調查命案發現,砸死林女的鵝卵石上血掌 紋,竟和因性侵案入獄的嫌犯蘇祥誠的掌紋相符,檢方拘提蘇嫌到案,他承認當時在命案現場,但否認殺人,目前已遭收押禁見。
台中市刑警大隊長 劉克昌:「涉及到另外兩件猥褻、強制猥褻的案子,而且他犯案的手法雷同,所以才會鎖定柯姓嫌犯,加上目擊證人強烈的指證,所以認為他涉嫌重大,才具移送,法院四度重判柯姓男子無期徒刑,但家屬提出上訴,在更三更四審出現大逆轉,柯姓男子改判無罪。


Re: Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge

Released wrongfully convicted man at home now.


江國慶案翻版 無期男變無罪

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/06/18 02:45</q> 馬瑞君/台中報導
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>中國時報【馬瑞君/台中報導】
國慶冤獄案翻版!台中市林 姓女子九十五年五月被友人王暐程發現陳屍草叢,有猥褻前科的柯嘉文被指證是凶手,從一審到更二審均判無期徒刑,直到更三審、更四審逆轉認定指證過程充滿瑕 疵,改判無罪。台中檢方重啟調查,以死者安全帽上的掌紋,比對有性侵前科的慣犯,與本月初甫出獄的蘇祥誠吻合,十六日將他拘提到案收押。
九 十五年五月十日傍晚,王男打電話約林女見面,突然聽見電話裡林女傳來「呀、呀」聲即斷訊,王男往林女騎乘機車的龍井遊園路方向找人,草叢裡突然跑出一名操 台灣國語男子稱,「那兩個歹徒跑了,你趕快去追,我要去報警。」隨即騎機車離開,林女疑遭性侵未遂,被歹徒以石頭重擊頭部死亡。
案 發當時是在下午五時,警方卻是在深夜凌晨時,帶王男到現場模擬,場境已有不同;蒞庭檢方請王男在法庭上測驗瞬間目視和記憶印象能力,看旁聽民眾十秒鐘再陳 述特徵,王男竟將有戴眼鏡的民眾誤指為沒戴;且在命案發生後四天,王男還曾誤認另一方姓男子是嫌犯。法官因而依證據不足判無罪,更四審也維持無罪判決。
更 三審判決出爐後,檢方旋即重啟調查,將相關扣案證物送刑事局重新鑑驗,逐一清查有地緣關係的性侵害案被告,後發現蘇祥誠(廿七歲)涉有重嫌,其因性侵女大 生被判一年二月徒刑,甫於本月初出獄,先提訊他到案並採集指、掌紋與現場證據比對,蘇男坦承「有到過現場、但沒有殺人」。


Re: Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge

At least he's still alive.
Recently, there was another uproar in Taiwan over the case involving a soldier who was sentenced to death for rape and murder.
He has already died but someone has confessed to the murder and dna evidence now proves the wrong man was sentenced.


Re: Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge

At least he's still alive.
Recently, there was another uproar in Taiwan over the case involving a soldier who was sentenced to death for rape and murder.
He has already died but someone has confessed to the murder and dna evidence now proves the wrong man was sentenced.

Death penalty should be abolished. No one should have the right to kill another person except in self-defence or when having to save someone else's life. Two wrongs don't make a right.
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Re: Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge

Death penalty should be abolished. No one should have the right to kill another person except in self-defence or when having to save someone else's life. Two wrongs don't make a right.

There's a group in Taiwan called 'Fei Shi Xing Ji Tuan" or "Abolish death penalty group" which is always lobbying the government and frequently face anger from normal citizens and family members or friends of victims.

Noticed that you have changed your stance slightly. You once said in this forum that no one should have the right to kill another person for any reason. :o


Re: Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge

At least he's still alive.
Recently, there was another uproar in Taiwan over the case involving a soldier who was sentenced to death for rape and murder.
He has already died but someone has confessed to the murder and dna evidence now proves the wrong man was sentenced.

I know you are referring to famous 江国庆 execution case. It was court martial execution. Ridiculously they already had the confession of the real killer before sentencing the innocent, and yet they chosen to believe otherwise. The killer was the bunk-roommate of the executed. The DNA also was damn ass luck. The evidence exhibit toilet tissue paper got the victim's blood and the innocent soldiers DNA both together. Now they said it was not the innocent soldier's sperm on it but his mucus that he dumped the tissue paper in the toilet and while rapist killed the victim her blood splashed on that same tissue paper. So ass luck? Died for his Pee Sai on the wrong tissue paper.:*:
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Re: Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge



Re: Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge

I know you are referring to famous 江国庆 execution case. It was court martial execution. Ridiculously they already had the confession of the real killer before sentencing the innocent, and yet they chosen to believe otherwise.

This case is a prime example of how dangerous people can be when they are in positions of power, but their main overriding objective is not justice and fairness for the people.

To think that it was more important to those arseholes that the case was closed and that they were not criticised for capturing the wrong man, than it was to put an innocent man to death. Really horrendous.


Re: Taiwan more 包青天, yet another wrongful imprisonment vindicated (rape murder charge

This case is a prime example of how dangerous people can be when they are in positions of power, but their main overriding objective is not justice and fairness for the people.

To think that it was more important to those arseholes that the case was closed and that they were not criticised for capturing the wrong man, than it was to put an innocent man to death. Really horrendous.

Taiwan in early days were under martial laws. Martial courts overrides civilian courts. The KMT rulers abuse martial courts to execute people, 施明德,吕秀莲,陈菊,许信良 etc were trailed in Martial Court in 美丽岛 case instead of civilian court.

Rulers use Rough Burt rules like this when their own abilities can no longer cope with the national scenarios. Sacrificing some peasants, in order to make things easy for rulers to bring order they desperately sorted. :wink::rolleyes:

I am however not for total abolishment of death penalty.

Take this case of 江国庆 for example, there is a bastard that killed a 5 years old girl after raping her, and then let his own innocent army-bunk room-mate get executed in his place. And we can spare his live now? Fuck! I say SHOOT! :mad:

5 years old girl not only innocent, also too weak to defend against sexual assault by a NSF man. This coward must go and pick a 5 years old girl to rape that is an ultra bastard of bully. After satisfying his fucking animal instinct he fear to face punishment and must kill her in a bloody mess to try to avoid facing consequence of rape. That is a fucking selfish coward. Girl was the army camp canteen aunty's daughter can recognise the rapist and can tell you see. So this bastard violently killed her until blood splashed whole toilet, and dumped corpse out the toilet window where behind is a sort of jungle in the camp. I saw the case photos online.

Army investigators found in toilet the tissue paper with girls' blood and what they had insisted to be sperm of f 江国庆. So they sent him to court martial. Court Martial sent him to Firing Squad. Today they said it might had been mucus of the wrongly executed man instead of sperm. KNN.

Really Jee Siao Jee Pee! Uum Zai Si Mee Siao Ah Pee also can not differentiate! Siao=sperm Pee=Mucus aka Pee Sai!

Just execute people ASAP1
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