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Taiwan boss & wife jumped cliff dead, open big factories in Vietnam, kept borrowing from employees!

democracy my butt

Jumped cliff with hands bonded together, boss & wife opened big textile factories in Vietnam. In deep financial troubles.


輕生?債務?巨陞董座夫妻 墜崖疑點多


1.2k 人追蹤

李作珩 李汪勝
2018年6月28日 下午1:41













更多 TVBS 報導
巨陞董座夫妻失蹤多日 中橫公路墜崖雙亡
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「想跟瀑布自拍」 醉男爬懸崖失足10秒摔死
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夫妻墜崖 爆料者:常向員工借錢

獨/夫妻墜崖 爆料者:常向員工借錢

三立新聞網 setn.com

13.6k 人追蹤

2018年6月28日 下午3:20


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父母墜崖原因不明 兒泣:公司沒負債
內湖夫妻墜崖亡 竟是巨陞董事長夫婦

https://tw.news.yahoo.com/輕生-債務-巨陞 %E8%91%A3%E5%BA%A7%E5%A4%AB%E5%A6%BB-%E5%A2%9C%E5%B4%96%E7%96%91%E9%BB%9E% E5%A4%9A-054103076.html

Spontaneous? debt? Jusheng Dong Zuo’s couple falls
[TVBS News Network]
TVBS News Network

1.2k person tracking

Li Zuoyin Li Wangsheng
June 28, 2018 1:41 PM


On the 27th it was discovered that the surnames Chen and her husband on the horizontal cliffs of Chen’s corpse actually had a great deal of success. They were the seats of the Dongsheng Textile Company. The factory was mainly set up in Vietnam. The products were produced exclusively for export to Europe, and the couple were busy. Work, but the relationship with the family looks good, there are still a lot of family portrait photos on the face of the book, did not expect the first two days and his son said to go to the middle of the distraction, this will no longer be able to contact 2 people, but no suicide note The number of suicides was more than two.

Wearing a white coat and a man wearing a hat leaning against the guardrail, he constantly probed to the edge of the cliff and looked very anxious. He was the son of the husband and wife of the surnamed Chen. Full of soul-stirring, large boxes of paper money placed in the accident site, the son of work in Hualien how did not think that good-bye parents are actually heaven and earth.


Facebook full of family photos, footprints at home and abroad, it is not difficult to see the family feeling quite good.

62-year-old Chen Hongyu and Fan Jinmei have operated Jusheng Textile Factory in Taipei Neihu. The products are quite diverse, including many functional clothing. The factory is located in Vietnam and is specialized in exporting to Europe. The number of employees is 15, and the capital is about 5 million. The couple are often keen to participate in charitable activities and in 2011 became the honorary directors of Tzu Chi.

Unexpectedly, on the 27th it was discovered that Dong Zuo and Dong Niang’s corpses were on a horizontal cliff. The family members stated that there were no abnormalities in the company’s business operations and they were all normally shipped.


The two people suspected of leaving home this time because of a bad mood recently. They told his son that he was going to disperse himself. He never expected to be able to communicate with two people after he had gone out.

Since they were found close together, why did two people die? Why is it there? Have to wait for the police to clarify further.

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North City Couples Lost 2nd in Hualian
"I want to take a selfie with the waterfall." The drunk man climbs the cliff and falls for 10 seconds.

★ More news reports

The couple falls on the cliff. Blaster: often borrow money from employees

https://tw.news.yahoo.com/獨-夫妻墜崖-爆 %E6%96%99%E8%80%85-%E5%B8%B8%E5%90%915%E5%93%A1%E5%B7%A5%E5%80%9F%E9%8C%A2- 061009546.html
Solo/couple falls on the cliff Breakers: often borrow money from employees
[Sanli News Network setn.com]
Sanli News Network setn.com

13.6k person tracking

Sanli News Network
June 28, 2018 3:20 PM

Reporter Lin Yingjun/Hualien News

Yesterday at 2 pm yesterday, two men and women in Hualian Road, Hualien City, fell down to a valley about 150 meters deep. This morning the police closed the road and prepared to pull the body up. A BMW SUV was still left on the site. Identity was confirmed by the police as the company’s wife, Chen Xingdong, and Fan’s wife, who are engaged in the garment trade. When the surnamed Chen's son arrived at the scene, she said with sadness: "I can't believe it is them." At present, the police officers and men in the valley cut down to find two bodies and are trying to move to an open space and wait for the helicopter to go to the hangar for inspection.

▲ The person who broke the news said that Chen Xing’s husband and wife are afraid of financial difficulties. (Picture/Picture)

It is understood that the surname of Chen's couple's son also told the media today that the parents usually have a good relationship, and the company has no liabilities for operations, and does not understand why parents will have such a thing. However, there were employees who had previously worked for the company, who reported to Sanli News. According to those who broke the news, Chen and his wife had been borrowing money from the company’s employees in recent years, and they had more than one person to borrow. Two people may have financial difficulties. Those who broke the news said that when they saw the news really startled, they could not believe that it was a fact. Although the true cause of death of the two people was not yet known, they were not as optimistic about the financial aspect as the outsiders had expected.

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Dongzu couple fell dead on the cliff? Police eliminate dead bodies
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