Bravo Grandma! She went home late and found house breaking thief still inside her home! Stealing her late mother's cash NT$36.5 (S$1.57) she started to whack the thief. And he was a strong 40 years old man. But he lost to this grandma (POWER?)
He got arrested in middle of the fight, when mata arrived.
When questioned by mata, he slumped down and almost fainted, in front of reporters and mata had to call ambulance to send him to A & E.
Don't try to steal Taiwanese grandma money! Lon Pray Pray! He is 1.80 meters hor.
his injuries must hurt quiet badly.:p The man arrest was found to be a renovation worker and due to the violence he is now charged for robbery instead of theft. Jia-Lat liao, soon joining corrupt Ah Bian in the prison.:p
<h3>40歲壯漢搶60歲婦人 打輸還昏</h3>
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/05/26 12:22</q>
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>基隆發生一起由偷變搶住宅強盜案,一名40多歲180多公分壯碩的男子跑到民宅行竊,沒想到屋主60多歲婦人突然回家,發現男子連母親留下36塊半手尾錢也要偷,奮力抵抗,竟然打贏了!男子被趕來的警察扭送警局,沒想到壯碩的他做筆錄時,居然還差點昏倒緊急送醫。
He got arrested in middle of the fight, when mata arrived.
When questioned by mata, he slumped down and almost fainted, in front of reporters and mata had to call ambulance to send him to A & E.
Don't try to steal Taiwanese grandma money! Lon Pray Pray! He is 1.80 meters hor.
his injuries must hurt quiet badly.:p The man arrest was found to be a renovation worker and due to the violence he is now charged for robbery instead of theft. Jia-Lat liao, soon joining corrupt Ah Bian in the prison.:p
<h3>40歲壯漢搶60歲婦人 打輸還昏</h3>
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/05/26 12:22</q>
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>基隆發生一起由偷變搶住宅強盜案,一名40多歲180多公分壯碩的男子跑到民宅行竊,沒想到屋主60多歲婦人突然回家,發現男子連母親留下36塊半手尾錢也要偷,奮力抵抗,竟然打贏了!男子被趕來的警察扭送警局,沒想到壯碩的他做筆錄時,居然還差點昏倒緊急送醫。
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