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Tai Wah Pork Noodle is opening another outlet at 136 Marsiling





Alfrescian (Inf)
How about some haram versions of mee rebus?

Using pork soup stock and char siew.

Fusion cuisine is very popular with the millennial hipsters these days.


How about some haram versions of mee rebus?

Using pork soup stock and char siew.

Fusion cuisine is very popular with the millennial hipsters these days.
omg.... I just thought of it and I think it sounds fantastic. :eek::thumbsup:

don't worry, I'll give you credit if I open a haram mee rebus shop.


I dunno how anyone can eat the stuff. No wonder young chinese now prefer Japanese food.
I sometimes wonder whether your thought process is in one piece. You like those girls that eat pork. You are what you eat. It follows that these are pork girls. So what now? You like the taste of pork but won't eat it yourself? How does that even make sense?

Also, I'm willing to bet if those girls you like stop eating pork, you will find them less attractive.

syed putra

How about some haram versions of mee rebus?

Using pork soup stock and char siew.

Fusion cuisine is very popular with the millennial hipsters these days.
I think mee rebus snd pork don't go well together. You may start a race riot.
But you can rename it as say mee rebush. Or mee re-bust

syed putra

I sometimes wonder whether your thought process is in one piece. You like those girls that eat pork. You are what you eat. It follows that these are pork girls. So what now? You like the taste of pork but won't eat it yourself? How does that even make sense?

Also, I'm willing to bet if those girls you like stop eating pork, you will find them less attractive.
I got pork deficiency so the chinese girls are like pork supplements.