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Serious SYT Team Commander Of Bedok SWAT Police Promises To Arrests All Oppies If They Fuck Around With Her! Carrying 17 kg Of Armor And Machine Gun! GVGT!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

In her full uniform, Priscilla got many hearts going “Bedok Bedok“. Some thirsty netizens even declared that she can arrest them anytime.

Bedok policewoman carries ‘only 17kg’ of gear
The video starts off with Priscilla introducing herself as the team leader from the ERT, Bedok Division.





Little India Riot: Online video shows workers helping police and paramedics escape mob​

A video posted on Facebook on Tuesday shows rioters pelting police and paramedics with objects as they fled from an ambulance where they were taking cover. Some workers nearer the ambulance, however, were helping the officers out. -- PHOTO: SCREEN CA

A video posted on Facebook on Tuesday shows rioters pelting police and paramedics with objects as they fled from an ambulance where they were taking cover. Some workers nearer the ambulance, however, were helping the officers out. -- PHOTO: SCREEN CAPTURE FROM VIDEO

Rachel Au-Yong
Housing Correspondent


DEC 10, 2013, 10:41 PM SGT

A video posted on Facebook on Tuesday shows rioters pelting police and paramedics with objects as they fled from an ambulance where they were taking cover. Some workers nearer the ambulance, however, were helping the officers out.

The good samaritans were seen approaching the ambulance amidst the chaos and gestured for trapped paramedics and police officers onboard to flee.

A police patrol car, which had been turned on its side, and positioned in front of the ambulance, was on fire.
All this while a large group of people had gathered by the pavement, watching what unfolds. Unseen mob participants can be heard throwing objects at the ambulance.

The paramedics and police officers are later seen running away from the burning vehicle and ambulance. As they do so, screams and shouts can be heard - some sound like cheering, others jeering.

If you know any of the men who approached the ambulance to help, we would like to hear from you. Call us at 6319-6397 or e-mail us at [email protected]