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Symptoms of penile cancer often start with a sore on the penis that does not heal and a strong-smelling discharge. BEWARE



Penis cancer cases increasing: Brazil sees 6,500 amputations in a decade​

Luis Barrucho - BBC World Service
Sat, 22 June 2024 at 4:46 pm SGT6-min read

When detected early, there is a high chance of recovery through treatments such as the surgical removal of the lesion, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

But if left untreated, partial or total amputation of the penis, and possibly other nearby genital organs such as the testicles, may become necessary.

João underwent a partial amputation in January and says it was a difficult time.

"It's something you never imagine will happen to you, and when it does, you can't just go around telling people," he says.

"I was terrified of surgery, but there was no other alternative. The feeling in the first weeks after the surgery was one of sadness, I can't deny it. Not having part of your penis is horrible."


Some patients undergo a total amputation which is life-changing.

Thiago Camelo Mourão from the Department of Urology at AC Camargo Cancer Center in São Paulo says: "In the case of partial amputation, urine continues to exit through the penis.

"However, in total amputation, the urethral orifice can be relocated to the perineum, between the scrotum and the anus, requiring the patient to urinate while sitting on the toilet