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Chitchat Syed ter u see don't need to peel skin but can't marry 4 hui Chinese wives. Sometimes I regret to let him know too much.....

syed putra

@k1976 how to get rid of him? Can erase his brain from hui?
You can try this

High voltage electric potentials to enhance brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in the brain​

Hiroji Yanamoto et al. Front Neurol Neurosci. 2013.
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Development of a safe method to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the brain is expected to enhance learning and memory, induce tolerance to cerebral infarction or tolerance to depressive state, improve glucose metabolism, and suppress appetite and body weight. We have shown that repetitive applications of high-voltage electric potential (HELP) to the body increase BDNF levels in the brain, improving learning and memory in mice. Here, we investigated the effects of HELP treatment for a chronic period on the BDNF levels in the mouse brain, and on body weight in mice and humans. Adult mice were exposed to 3.1 or 5.4 kV HELP (on the body), 5 h a day for 24 weeks, and BDNF levels in the brain and alterations in body weight were analyzed. Humans [age, 53.2 ± 15.5 years old; BMI, 27.8 ± 5.6 (mean ± SD, n = 6)] were exposed to 3.9 kV HELP (on the body) for 1 h a day, continuing for 33 months (2.8 years) under the monitor of body weight. In mice, the HELP application elevated BDNF levels in the brain at least temporarily, affecting body weight in a voltage- and time-dependent manner. In humans, the HELP treatment reduced body weight compared to the pretreated initial values without any aversive effects (p < 0.002, one-way ANOVA with the post hoc Holm-Sidak test). The results in mice indicated that 3.1 kV HELP was considered insufficient for a continuous elevation of intracerebral BDNF, and 5.4 kV HELP was considered as excessive. HELP with an appropriate voltage can be utilized to increase BDNF levels in the brain for a prolonged period. We anticipate further investigations to clarify the effect of the optimal-leveled HELP therapy on memory disturbances, neurological deficits after stroke, depression, diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome.


Absolutely. I have to agree. Makes minah become like wooden horse on the bed.
Btw I dunno how it's look like. Does ang mo gals peel skin also because I think it will make it more loose right?

Anyway, those hui topic I send is an enactment and is fictional . U will waste your time going Yunnan or Xian. U just have to stay at your hometown or can go fk sinkie chink as they are deserve to be screwed by u. Tq