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In 2020, the last year for which figures are available, two-thirds of prisoners held in Swiss prisons were foreigners. The majority of those foreigners were Algerian Muslims.
The Swiss People’s Party (SVP), of which Marcel Dettling serves as campaign director, had been working on a new referendum featuring the working title “initiative for sustainability.” Now that work is finished.
Almost all of the Muslim economic migrants who manage to enter Switzerland posing as “asylum seekers,” are uneducated, illiterate in the languages of the country, and ill-prepared to take their place in an advanced Western economy. They are not going to be the high-tech immigrants, industrious and entrepreneurial, whom Switzerland wants to encourage but instead, they will –if employed at all –find work only as manual laborers and drivers.
Those “groups known for their difficulty integrating into Switzerland” is an obvious allusion to Muslims; it is they who have been flooding into Europe; they are economic migrants who claim to be asylum seekers.The most popular party in Switzerland, the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), known for its agrarian roots and opposition to mass immigration, is set to pursue a referendum calling for the renegotiation of international treaties, or even their complete abandonment, if the Swiss population hits 10 million.
The proposed referendum comes at a time when Europe increasingly faces environmental catastrop he, a housing crisis, and huge strains on public resources due to soaring immigration levels. Many European nations are among the most densely populated nations in the world and life in them is only expected to become more crowded in the near future unless dramatic action is taken. Switzerland is no exception.
“Our country is cracking in every corner. We are going through the debacles of recent years. If we don’t intervene, we will be overtaken by events,” said Marcel Dettling, the SVP’s campaign manager.
Dettling warns that economic migration remains high, especially from groups known for their difficulty integrating into Switzerland, a fact highlighted by Switzerland’s alarming prison population data.
In 2020, the last year for which figures are available, two-thirds of prisoners held in Swiss prisons were foreigners. The majority of those foreigners were Algerian Muslims.
Those African migrants – almost entirely Muslims from North Africa – when once they have been admitted to Switzerland, are determined never to leave. They are given housing, medical care, education, family allowances, and more by the generous Swiss state. They can’t believe their luck. More than one-third remain on the welfare rolls; why work when so much is given to you? The remaining two-thirds, who do work, also continue to qualify for some benefits, as they are fit only for low-paying jobs as manual laborers, drivers, and construction workers.“Today, there is very strong economic migration,” says Dettling. “Whoever has set foot in Switzerland will never leave the country. Migrants from Africa have welfare rates of 34 percent.”
The Swiss People’s Party (SVP), of which Marcel Dettling serves as campaign director, had been working on a new referendum featuring the working title “initiative for sustainability.” Now that work is finished.
What new development could have brought about the “exhaustion” of Swiss financial reserves for education, health, and transportation? Surely it is the benefits now being lavished on hundreds of thousands of immigrants who never paid into the Swiss system, but are now making terrific demands on the welfare state, constituting a significant drain on the country’s finances. Tens of thousands of foreigners’ children are now in Swiss schools, causing classes to overflow, creating a need both for new school buildings, and for more teaching personnel. These foreign-born pupils also require special language classes, which are a considerable expense to adequately staff. The health needs of these foreigners who, again, never paid into the Swiss medical system, are also a financial drain on hospitals. These immigrants are overwhelmingly Muslim; marriage to a family member – ordinarily a cousin, is encouraged in Muslim countries. But the consequence of such a predilection for cousin-marriages is a high incidence of congenital diseases and malformations, which makes medical care for the Muslim migrants in Europe unusually expensive.The text for the referendum has also already been completed and would stipulate that Switzerland’s population should not exceed 10 million until 2050. After 2050, this limit could be slightly increased but only due to organic, surplus births, according to the Le Temps new outlet.
SVP National Councilor Thomas Matter says he must sound a “red alert” over Switzerland’s rising population, adding that “this is the last moment when we can still change something for Switzerland.”
“The migration figures are hair-raising,” he said. “In 2022, Switzerland had 200,000 more inhabitants, the population of the canton of Basel-City.”
The country is already rapidly approaching 9 million residents. In 2022, 145,958 people arrived [another 54,000 added to the population were Swiss babies], raising the population to 8.89 million. It is now only a matter of time until the population hits 9 million.
Over the past 20 years, Switzerland’s population has increased by 21 percent.
“If Switzerland grows so strongly again over the next 20 years, everything will collapse,” said Matter, who serves as a national councilor. According to him, the country’s financial reserves for education, health and transport are exhausted….
Almost all of the Muslim economic migrants who manage to enter Switzerland posing as “asylum seekers,” are uneducated, illiterate in the languages of the country, and ill-prepared to take their place in an advanced Western economy. They are not going to be the high-tech immigrants, industrious and entrepreneurial, whom Switzerland wants to encourage but instead, they will –if employed at all –find work only as manual laborers and drivers.
The text of the proposed referendum on immigration to Switzerland specifies population levels that would act as brakes on immigration. When there are 9.5 million people in the country, the Swiss Federal Council — the country’s legislative branch — will be obligated, should the referendum be adopted, to pass laws to end immigration, and then to reduce, by expelling, certain categories of foreigners who are already in the country.Just like the country’s debt brake, the referendum would serve as a brake on immigration. The text stipulates that if certain population limits are reached, the government must take certain steps to inhibit population growth. For example, if Switzerland’s population reaches 9.5 million, the Swiss Federal Council will have to take steps with new laws to counteract this growth.
If the measures undertaken when the population hits 9.5 million prove insufficient, and the Swiss population goes on to hit 10 million, then Switzerland will be required to take more drastic measures, including backing out of any international agreements that would limit its ability to decrease the number of migrants by such measures as expelling all migrants who have been convicted of a crime, no matter how minor, or putting a time limit on the receipt of welfare benefits by foreigners, so as to encourage them to leave. Switzerland will treat as null and void its previous adherence to the UN pacts on migration, and any other international agreements it may have signed in the past about immigration and the free movement of peoples.However, if the country reaches 10 million, the government must respond with “rigorous measures,” including the Federal Council abandoning international agreements, such as the UN migration pacts or EU treaties relating to free movement.”
In 2014, when the referendum against mass immigration was passed by a hair, immigration to Switzerland had not yet attained the alarming numbers – up to 200,00 each year, and a total of more than 1.5 million immigrants in the country since 2014 – that it has today.It is important to note that Switzerland has featured a number of referendums on the topic of immigration in the past, including the famous 2014 referendum “against mass immigration,” which won with 50.3 percent of the vote. The SVP-backed referendum was designed to place strict quotas on immigration, but despite winning the vote, the referendum was more or less made toothless by the Swiss parliament.
When the EU threatened Switzerland in 2014 with “severe economic consequences” if it enforced the referendum on immigration that had passed that year by a razor-thin margin of 50.3%, the EU members had themselves not yet felt the full effects of the mass immigration by Muslims. But like Switzerland itself, the 27 countries of the EU have undergone a transformation in their views over the past nine years, as it has become clear that Muslim migrants have brought nothing but trouble to the indigenous, once welcoming and now chastened Infidels throughout the EU. Today, the EU would be unlikely to try to stop Switzerland from instituting any anti-immigrant measures that its voters approved. Some EU members, in fact, will no doubt look longingly at those Swiss measures, and wish that their own countries would do as much to stop the Muslim immigrant invasion.Switzerland was threatened by the EU over any attempt to restrict free movement, with the EU warning Switzerland that any abandonment of free movement would have meant that all EU agreements became null and void, which would have presented severe economic consequences for the country.