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Swedish court shuts down two Muslim schools over jihad ideology



The two Muslim independent schools, Framstegsskolan in Stockholm and Imanskolan in Uppsala, are not allowed to continue with their activities. That is the meaning of two judgments from the administrative court in Stockholm.

The administrative court has assessed that the management teams in the respective foundations “do not meet the suitability requirements according to the Education Act and that the Progress School Foundation also do not have the financial means to comply with the regulations that apply to the business,” the court writes in a press release.

Serious flaws
The School Inspectorate decided to withdraw the permits for both schools in May this year. The authority based its decisions on, among other things, Säpo’s warning that the students were influenced towards an Islamist ideology and risked radicalization.

The school inspectorate also pointed out that the principals of Stiftelsen Framstegsskolan and Stiftelsen Imanskolan were unfit to run schools. One of the reasons for this was personal connections to the Römosses schools in Gothenburg, which were also rejected by the School Inspectorate. The case of the Römosses schools also led to charges and convictions for eco-crimes.

Decision was appealed
The school inspectorate’s decision was appealed last spring by the respective schools and now, seven months later, the administrative court’s verdict comes.

During the process, the schools have been able to continue their activities. Last academic year, the Iman School had around 200 students and the Progress School had around 80 students.

According to information to P4 Uppland, Imanskolan plans to appeal the verdict….


An easier problem to solve if the Swedes din take in Muslim refugees in the first place...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
During the process, the schools have been able to continue their activities. Last academic year, the Iman School had around 200 students and the Progress School had around 80 students.

Looks like they aren't shut down after all. Just like 'deported' mohammedans turned out to only be served deportation papers but still are living in Europe at white taxpayers' expense.