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Swedem: Koran with bacon outside the courthouse ahead of Paludan trial


DOMESTIC. On Monday morning, just before the trial began against Koran-burner Rasmus Paludan, a Koran with bacon was found outside the Malmö district court. This is reported by TV4 Nyheterna.

The police were called to the scene at 07:30 and took the object into custody, and the case is now being investigated as incitement against a group of people, according to police spokesperson Evelina Olsson.

The incident occurred on the same day that Paludan is on trial for two counts of incitement against a ethnic group and one count of insult.

Paludan, who is participating in the trial via video link, has not been in Sweden since 2023 due to a perceived threat.

The trial, which is followed by a large media gathering, is scheduled to last two days.