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Posted on 13 Aug 2010
Getai fans alarmed when host suddenly wails and collapses at Hungry Ghost show
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So sad
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Stars performing at one of the biggest Getai shows of the Hungry Ghost season last night (August 12) found the show thrown into chaos when one-half of the famous Ming Zhu Sisters duo collapsed suddenly, wailing and sobbing incoherently.
STOMPer Ian was enjoying the Geylang Serai show from the side of the stage when he heard a woman wailing loudly and sobbing as if something terrible had happened.
He was shocked to see Zhu Li Li, younger sister of Getai duo Ming Zhu Sisters, sobbing uncontrollably as her stunned sister and colleagues tried to calm her down.
Despite he screams of protest, the getai veteran was carried out into the open field to get more air.
Shortly after an ambulance arrived to take her to the hospital, incense and hell money were burnt as an offering to appease the spirits.
Though clearly shaken, the stars continued with the show, says an impressed STOMPer Ian.
Ian says of the incident:
"I was standing near the backstage area.
"Zhu Li Li and her sister were part of the six-man hosting team for the night and it was their turn to rest as another singer had gone on stage to perform.
"I saw her taking a seat and drinking water when suddenly, she appeared to have collapsed on the floor with sobs.
"Her sister was standing next to her and appeared visibly shocked but managed to react quickly enough to support her.
"Stars in the waiting area immediately came to help lift her onto a chair but she refused to sit. Her wailing got louder at this point as she begged everyone to let go of her.
"They must have thought she was possessed by something supernatural as her elder sister began to ask: 'Who are you?' (你是谁?) repeatedly.
"Zhu Li Li did not respond and just kept crying loudly.
"Later, I heard from one of the crew that her limbs had gone cold as she collapsed.
"They tried to get her fresh air by carrying her out into the open field despite her protests but the crowd that gathered around defeated that purpose.
"An ambulance arrived within 10 minutes and she was taken away.
"Her sister, who looked scared and confused, along with other stars, began to burn some offerings and incense at the spot where she fainted.
"She then wiped away her tears and continued hosting the show with a smile on her face.
"It is commendable that she managed to remain so professional despite her worries".
Go to Getai A-Go-Go to find out more about the Ming Zhu Sisters.
Getai stars frightened when host collapses wailing during Hungry Ghost show
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: ghostly , haunted , getai , Ming Zhu Sisters
Getai fans alarmed when host suddenly wails and collapses at Hungry Ghost show

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Stars performing at one of the biggest Getai shows of the Hungry Ghost season last night (August 12) found the show thrown into chaos when one-half of the famous Ming Zhu Sisters duo collapsed suddenly, wailing and sobbing incoherently.
STOMPer Ian was enjoying the Geylang Serai show from the side of the stage when he heard a woman wailing loudly and sobbing as if something terrible had happened.
He was shocked to see Zhu Li Li, younger sister of Getai duo Ming Zhu Sisters, sobbing uncontrollably as her stunned sister and colleagues tried to calm her down.
Despite he screams of protest, the getai veteran was carried out into the open field to get more air.
Shortly after an ambulance arrived to take her to the hospital, incense and hell money were burnt as an offering to appease the spirits.
Though clearly shaken, the stars continued with the show, says an impressed STOMPer Ian.
Ian says of the incident:
"I was standing near the backstage area.
"Zhu Li Li and her sister were part of the six-man hosting team for the night and it was their turn to rest as another singer had gone on stage to perform.
"I saw her taking a seat and drinking water when suddenly, she appeared to have collapsed on the floor with sobs.
"Her sister was standing next to her and appeared visibly shocked but managed to react quickly enough to support her.
"Stars in the waiting area immediately came to help lift her onto a chair but she refused to sit. Her wailing got louder at this point as she begged everyone to let go of her.
"They must have thought she was possessed by something supernatural as her elder sister began to ask: 'Who are you?' (你是谁?) repeatedly.
"Zhu Li Li did not respond and just kept crying loudly.
"Later, I heard from one of the crew that her limbs had gone cold as she collapsed.
"They tried to get her fresh air by carrying her out into the open field despite her protests but the crowd that gathered around defeated that purpose.
"An ambulance arrived within 10 minutes and she was taken away.
"Her sister, who looked scared and confused, along with other stars, began to burn some offerings and incense at the spot where she fainted.
"She then wiped away her tears and continued hosting the show with a smile on her face.
"It is commendable that she managed to remain so professional despite her worries".
Go to Getai A-Go-Go to find out more about the Ming Zhu Sisters.
Getai stars frightened when host collapses wailing during Hungry Ghost show
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: ghostly , haunted , getai , Ming Zhu Sisters