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sugar daddy gives her $10k a month

syed putra

Maybe sugar daddy really missed his daughter. So she is basically the daddy's daughter now as sex is not involved.


Alfrescian (Inf)
it's good to be a woman in singapore. even like a landwhale also can earn good money.

Maybe sugar daddy really missed his daughter. So she is basically the daddy's daughter now as sex is not involved.

aiyah.................just trying to stir up views lah................her income is from Tik Tok................no man in his right mind will pay 10K a month for this piece of blubber.........


aiyah.................just trying to stir up views lah................her income is from Tik Tok................no man in his right mind will pay 10K a month for this piece of blubber.........
you mean she is still a virgin talking rubbish?

Scrooball (clone)

The problem is there is a very short window for women to capitalize on the lure of their pussies and good looks. The sweet spot is from the early 20s to early 30s. If u fucked up that period, the only sugar baby u can be is when u downgrade considerably to go for really old men (like in their 80s) kind.

Scrooball (clone)

If the sugar daddy is just banging her for sex, then its not so bad.

But if the sugar daddy is bringing her to functions and events for socialization, then she is embarrassing her sugar daddy by posting this shit online. Lol... just need to tell him that she loves his feet? That's an ice-breaker there.

syed putra

aiyah.................just trying to stir up views lah................her income is from Tik Tok................no man in his right mind will pay 10K a month for this piece of blubber

KNN this piece of shit for $10K a month lol more than $100/1/1....... obviously she is advertising for new recruits under her or for views.... imagine if you are the sugar daddy and this hooker uploaded a video telling the whole world she is a hooker lol........
Obviously our taste in women are very different.