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Chitchat Stupid eat insects. What would u do if u are in this situation?


Eat chewing gum or cockroach? = I would choose chewing gum

Smoke Marlboro or eat cockroach? = I would smoke Marlboro

Take mRNA jabs or eat cockroach? = I would eat cockroach


Every single mortal thinks differently, due to their mentality & environment that they lived in. No one is right...or wrong. It's about sharing perspectives & scientific facts that Humanity may progress & evolve under any dire circumstances.

For those whom wish to spread fear that this approval from our SG govt will eventually lead to one eating even dirty vermin like ugly & unsightly cockroaches, others can similarly EXTRAPOLATE that such approval will eventually lead to eating dog meat & even Human meat - horrific cannibalism. Thus stop the extrapolation thru fears. One step at a time & Humanity DO have choices & voting power.

Based upon SCIENTIFIC FACTS, insects can be eaten, so long as it is PROPERLY washed & cooked - boiled or fried, as NO biological organic germs or virus that exists or carried by such insects will survive such heat.

Once done, it becomes a different State of Matter - carbs or proteins to energized the body needs, broken down by our Human Digestive system & any waste will be discarded from the Human body, as our ancient ancestors had done whom lived in jungles, caves & deserts had done & given us our todays, otherwise Humankind would had starved & gone extinct eons ago.

The only time the insignificant nobody me had ever fed on exotic foods was during NS, when MREs was long gone & missions yet to be completed in non-Human habitat lands. It was either to starve to death & fail the missions, or properly wash & boil such exotic foods for its mineral contents to energize our bodies to complete missions...

To be honest, after my term in NS, I NEVER tried feeding on exotic foods, not even from best restaurants over bear claws, tiger penis, etc. Such is due to my upbringing in Singapore, whereby mainstream & commonly accepted food is totally sanitized & ready to cook, from supermarkets & hawker centers. None needs to even slaughter a chicken to eat meat in Singapore.

Thus, with the current approval over insects, a citizen still has the choice - to eat or not to eat such foods. At least 98% of restaurants & food centers offers main stream food & not exotic foods in Singapore. Thus no need the foolish panic.

However, if one still desires to be dependent on mainstream prepared food, then one MUST support Peace & Stability at all costs, otherwise if chaos ensue, then let's not forget the Syria Civil war whereby starving citizens had to feed on stringy meat cats to survive.......


Every single mortal thinks differently, due to their mentality & environment that they lived in. No one is right...or wrong. It's about sharing perspectives & scientific facts that Humanity may progress & evolve under any dire circumstances.

For those whom wish to spread fear that this approval from our SG govt will eventually lead to one eating even dirty vermin like ugly & unsightly cockroaches, others can similarly EXTRAPOLATE that such approval will eventually lead to eating dog meat & even Human meat - horrific cannibalism. Thus stop the extrapolation thru fears. One step at a time & Humanity DO have choices & voting power.

Based upon SCIENTIFIC FACTS, insects can be eaten, so long as it is PROPERLY washed & cooked - boiled or fried, as NO biological organic germs or virus that exists or carried by such insects will survive such heat.

Once done, it becomes a different State of Matter - carbs or proteins to energized the body needs, broken down by our Human Digestive system & any waste will be discarded from the Human body, as our ancient ancestors had done whom lived in jungles, caves & deserts had done & given us our todays, otherwise Humankind would had starved & gone extinct eons ago.

The only time the insignificant nobody me had ever fed on exotic foods was during NS, when MREs was long gone & missions yet to be completed in non-Human habitat lands. It was either to starve to death & fail the missions, or properly wash & boil such exotic foods for its mineral contents to energize our bodies to complete missions...

To be honest, after my term in NS, I NEVER tried feeding on exotic foods, not even from best restaurants over bear claws, tiger penis, etc. Such is due to my upbringing in Singapore, whereby mainstream & commonly accepted food is totally sanitized & ready to cook, from supermarkets & hawker centers. None needs to even slaughter a chicken to eat meat in Singapore.

Thus, with the current approval over insects, a citizen still has the choice - to eat or not to eat such foods. At least 98% of restaurants & food centers offers main stream food & not exotic foods in Singapore. Thus no need the foolish panic.

However, if one still desires to be dependent on mainstream prepared food, then one MUST support Peace & Stability at all costs, otherwise if chaos ensue, then let's not forget the Syria Civil war whereby starving citizens had to feed on stringy meat cats to survive.......

Sounds like u are some cockroach fanatic?


The insignificant nobody me remember a few incidents whereby I hosted dinner to ASEAN neighbors, to gather insights on how we Singapore can help them. not the top executives as they are already well taken care by others, but the more lower down staff, whom came from the villages, to get a feel of their lives.

As a host, I gave them the choice to choose whatever food they wanted in a good restaurant that serves their local food, which they promptly ordered, to my dismay as it was nothing that the long bred sanitized me would eat...

They, along with their accompanied wives ordered exotic foods such as snails amongst many more others, & I watched in horror, fascination & awe as they used toothpicks supplied to plug out the cooked snails from their shells, dip the meat upon spicy sauces & popped them into their mouths. They enjoyed their local food, & at one point, stared at me & asked me why I was staring & not eating the food.

Embarrassed & stunned out of my stupor by their question, I apologized & claimed that the accompanied vegetable dish were far too spicy for my taste & trying to recover myself. Re-assured, they continued with their favorite foods & even ordered seconds....

Point is, each think differently & even have their own tastes, due to their upbringing & environment. There is no right or wrong. We all have to survive, to live for our loved ones & provide for them...

Our highly sanitized culture is different from others, even neighbors whom are from agrarian societies. Singapore pride itself as an international city, with tourism being a major spinner to our economy to bring in revenues for necessary social expenditures, & thus a need for a more open minded approach but based upon scientific facts & not flimsy excuses such drugs that destroy lives. but to uplift all lives safely here in our country....


That piece of shit wall-of-text merchant @Willamshakespear is just a pro-establishment PAP shill. It's probably its job to stir shit in this forum... official duty.

On my blocklist long ago. :cool:
there are at least five of these mother fuckers here. The 2 fake doctors tasked to force feed the vax narrative, john tan, the kitten fuck face and this Shake his lanjiao spear


It is an IQ test afterall. Government asked the docile people to jab, they did so. Government asked the docile people to eat insects, do you think that they will reject? Even the radio DJ said many people are on the fence on this topic, so please don’t hope. Many Singaporeans are blue pilled sheeple and globetards. If you patronize state controlled media like fuckwarezone, you will often read the naive opinion of a Singaporean.

Those people out there have low IQ. Therefore, they are jabbed for this reason


Is the existence of a government to mind control its people or to provide well being for the people?

If you have a clear mind, you should know it is there to mind control the people


It is an IQ test afterall. Government asked the docile people to jab, they did so. Government asked the docile people to eat insects, do you think that they will reject? Even the radio DJ said many people are on the fence on this topic, so please don’t hope. Many Singaporeans are blue pilled sheeple and globetards. If you patronize state controlled media like fuckwarezone, you will often read the naive opinion of a Singaporean.

Those people out there have low IQ. Therefore, they are jabbed for this reason
It's pretty clear it's an IQ test mah. One doesn't need to be a scientist or doctor to understand the probability of survival if one is unvax and kena wuhaned. One needs intelligence (IQ & EQ). So in future, before you want to invest your time in a new friendship or whatever, remember to throw in this question and you will know what type of person you are dealing with liao. It's a litmus test which I find it pretty accurate. How many meh meh have you pak liao?

An example of a bunch of low intelligence individuals


Oh yes, back to the topic of eating insects.
To the fucking asshole who even have the audacity to even suggest eating insects: Fucking go eat your mother's CB lah KNN.