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Stupid coolie gene Sinkie raped by Jepunkia here on employment pass. Rotan case.


Hey, I am not Hakka but a true blue hokkien, not a son or talking about u. Don't go bar if u can't handle a drink. There r people looking for a victim. Stay safe.
You are exactly like hakka dog son of chicken @k1976 that pretended to be hokkien and then insult hokkien woman slut. Use hokkien surname this time so clever. Pui! I don’t drink at all now with fatty liver so you can keep your fake concern for your precious Hakka sell cb family women Pui!


You are exactly like hakka dog son of chicken @k1976 that pretended to be hokkien and then insult hokkien woman slut. Use hokkien surname this time so clever. Pui! I don’t drink at all now with fatty liver so you can keep your fake concern for your precious Hakka sell cb family women Pui!
U must hv been thru some traumatic incidents. Hope time will heal your wounds with good family members & friends.


U must hv been thru some traumatic incidents. Hope time will heal your wounds with good family members & friends.
Of course everyday everywhere got whistle and knocks are traumatic incidents. You are sure disappointed that I am not raped but virgin. Do swear if I am a virgin you die a violent death and stop stalking and harassing me you Hakka dog son of chicken Pui!


You are exactly like hakka dog son of chicken @k1976 that pretended to be hokkien and then insult hokkien woman slut. Use hokkien surname this time so clever. Pui! I don’t drink at all now with fatty liver so you can keep your fake concern for your precious Hakka sell cb family women Pui!
I wish I have been drunk at least once in life when young. But since I am a suay chee thank goodness I never go clubbing never drunk in life indeed.


Of course everyday everywhere got whistle and knocks are traumatic incidents. You are sure disappointed that I am not raped but virgin. Do swear if I am a virgin you die a violent death and stop stalking and harassing me you Hakka dog son of chicken Pui!
Wa bo li you ai ler hen lang keong kan. Sui lian ga ler bo xiang guan, ma bo ai ler heng putt lang hai ler. Ka ki ho ho jeow kor ka ki. Wu jit lit ler eh sim ceng tiah loh lai. Poh zong.


Wa bo li you ai ler hen lang keong kan. Sui lian ga ler bo xiang guan, ma bo ai ler heng putt lang hai ler. Ka ki ho ho jeow ko ka ki. Wu jit li, ler eh sim ceng tiah loh lai. Bo zong.
Come on which Hakka cannot talk hokkien? Hokkien cannot talk Hakka but very common for Hakka to talk Hokkien. Your actions speak for themselves that you are @k1976 clone pretending to be hokkien upping chicken slut whore mistress thread around me and harassing me hokkien virgin for what you and your cheap women are AGENT C. Pui!


Of course everyday everywhere got whistle and knocks are traumatic incidents. You are sure disappointed that I am not raped but virgin. Do swear if I am a virgin you die a violent death and stop stalking and harassing me you Hakka dog son of chicken Pui!
Even all these whistles and knocks I end up like Phoenix learn French learn piano etc keep rising indeed


Come on which Hakka cannot talk hokkien? Hokkien cannot talk Hakka but very common for Hakka to talk Hokkien. Your actions speak for themselves that you are @k1976 clone pretending to be hokkien upping chicken slut whore mistress thread around me and harassing me hokkien virgin for what you and your cheap women are AGENT C. Pui!
Really? I didn't know it's common for Hakka to talk hokkien. R u hokkien too?


Really? I didn't know it's common for Hakka to talk hokkien. R u hokkien too?
Of course it’s common because hokkien is easy to talk but of course Hakka talk hakka among themselves or rather yourselves but when they or you need or want to blend in or camouflage they or you will talk hokkien. that’s especially common in Taiwan


If not for Nusa Duta Cantonese MISTRESS and her Teochew gigolo son in law and bitch daughter ganging up to harass me, I would not have bought more than one house in jb
Everything that’s bad in my life always end up good for me okay? That’s why so many jealous losers like @cat aka @NanoSpeed and @k1976 aka @jsctan persecuting me non stop while they dare not swear if I am a virgin they die a violent death Pui!!


Of course it’s common because hokkien is easy to talk but of course Hakka talk hakka among themselves or rather yourselves but when they or you need or want to blend in or camouflage they or you will talk hokkien. that’s especially common in Taiwan
Hokkien in Taiwan is their Pu Tong hua but not here. R u hokkien? U really need to find peace with yourself. Take care ok? Peace out...


Hokkien in Taiwan is their Pu Tong hua but not here. R u hokkien? U really need to find peace with yourself.
Hey psychopath hakka dog son of chicken @k1976 clone stop faking. Your nick is obviously faking to be hokkien and anyone with half a brain can tell that. Go to my Facebook to win last word. Pui!


Hey psychopath hakka dog son of chicken @k1976 clone stop faking. Your nick is obviously faking to be hokkien and anyone with half a brain can tell that. Go to my Facebook to win last word. Pui!
And what’s new? A criminal doing manipulation ask me to find peace with myself while harassing me non stop.