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Stupid coolie gene Sinkie raped by Jepunkia here on employment pass. Rotan case.


Alfrescian (Inf)
why dont telecast live on tv these canings......it will make it more authentic, who knows, if a offender has $100 million he can easily bribe the prison caner to just go thru the motion......

Snowflakes of today can't handle 'racist' ads or 'fat shaming', you think they can handle the bloody details of a rotan session? :rolleyes:




The kind of whore that will get completely drunk in front of strangers is neither modest nor a virgin.
Many people go for happy hour, accompanied bochap or 'friends', u didn't know a non drinking person can get drunk easily? Or games may be played, Kenna sabo by friends to drink, drink being spiked or all for good fun. How can u just jumped in conclusion? Whatever the circumstances, the jippun should not even take advantage of a drunk person. The scumbag is the rapist. Period. Don't blame the drunk person.


Many people go for happy hour, accompanied bochap or 'friends', u didn't know a non drinking person can get drunk easily? Or games may be played, Kenna sabo by friends to drink, drink being spiked or all for good fun. How can u just jumped in conclusion? Whatever the circumstances, the jippun should not even take advantage of a drunk person. The scumbag is the rapist. Period. Don't blame the drunk person.
Hey you are obviously Hakka doggie son of chicken @k1976 clone pretending to be hokkien upping chicken thread around me previously and now keep stalking me and upping this rape thread around me. Thank goodness I never go bar never drunk in life. Pui!


Will this charbo becum Agent G 2.0?
Tsk tsk tsk you Hakka dog son of chicken are so shameless and despicable repeating lies to defame me when heaven already slapped you with Agent C insurance agent busted selling cb. Need me to up the thread again? Pui!


Hey you are obviously Hakka doggie son of chicken @k1976 clone pretending to be hokkien upping chicken thread around me previously and now keep stalking me and upping this rape thread around me. Thank goodness I never go bar never drunk in life. Pui!
Hey, I am not Hakka but a true blue hokkien, not a son or talking about u. Don't go bar if u can't handle a drink. There r people looking for a victim. Stay safe.