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习近平在陕西考察时强调 扎实做好“六稳”工作落实“六保”任务
2020-04-23 17:15:58 来源: 新华网
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月20日,习近平在位于秦岭山脉东段的牛背梁国家级自然保护区羚牛谷,了解秦岭生态环境保护情况。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月20日,习近平在位于秦岭山脉东段的牛背梁国家级自然保护区羚牛谷,了解秦岭生态环境保护情况。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月20日,习近平在位于秦岭山脉东段的牛背梁国家级自然保护区月亮垭,察看秦岭自然生态,了解陕西省吸取秦岭北麓违建别墅问题教训、抓好生态保护等情况。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月20日,习近平在商洛市柞水县小岭镇金米村培训中心,了解该村发展木耳产业情况。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月20日,习近平在商洛市柞水县小岭镇金米村智能联栋木耳大棚,同村民亲切交流。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月20日,习近平在商洛市柞水县小岭镇金米村,了解该村发展木耳产业情况。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月20日,习近平在商洛市柞水县小岭镇金米村考察时,向村民们挥手致意。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月21日,习近平在安康市平利县老县镇锦屏社区考察社区毛绒玩具厂,了解搬迁群众就业情况。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月21日,习近平在安康市平利县老县镇锦屏社区,同搬迁户汪显平一家围坐在一起拉家常。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月21日,习近平在安康市平利县老县镇卫生院,了解基层卫生防疫、医疗保障工作。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月21日,习近平在安康市平利县老县镇中心小学食堂,了解学生伙食和复学后疫情防控情况。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月21日,习近平在安康市平利县老县镇蒋家坪村女娲凤凰茶业现代示范园区,同茶农们亲切交谈。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月22日,习近平在陕西汽车控股集团有限公司总装车间察看生产线,了解产品研发、生产、销售和复工复产情况。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月22日,习近平在陕西汽车控股集团有限公司总装车间察看生产线,了解产品研发、生产、销售和复工复产情况。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月22日,习近平在陕西汽车控股集团有限公司考察时,同企业职工亲切交流。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月22日,习近平在西安交通大学交大西迁博物馆参观。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月22日,习近平在西安交通大学交大西迁博物馆亲切会见西迁老教授。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月22日,习近平在西安大唐不夜城步行街考察时,向游客挥手致意。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月22日,习近平走进西安大唐不夜城步行街老字号西安饭庄,同正在就餐的顾客热情交谈。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
4月20日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在陕西考察。这是4月22日,习近平在西安大唐不夜城步行街考察时,向游客挥手致意。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
【纠错】 责任编辑: 成岚
2020-04-23 23:22:22 来源: 新华社
During his inspection in Shaanxi, Xi Jinping emphasized to do a good job of the "six stability" and implement the "six guarantees" task
Strive to compose a new era in Shaanxi to catch up and surpass a new chapter
2020-04-23 17:15:58 Source: Xinhuanet
Focus on learning
Xinhua News Agency, Xi'an, April 23 (Xinhua, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping recently emphasized in the inspection in Shaanxi that the Party Central Committee should implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, adhere to the general tone of steady progress, adhere to the new development concept, and be solid Do a good job of stabilizing employment, stabilizing finance, stabilizing foreign trade, stabilizing foreign investment, stabilizing investment, stabilizing expectations, and fully implementing guarantees for employment, basic livelihood, market players, food and energy security, supply chain stability, and grassroots operations Mission, work hard to overcome the adverse impact of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, ensure the completion of the decisive battle and the goal of poverty alleviation, fully build a well-off society, and strive to write a new era in Shaanxi to catch up and surpass the new chapter.
The earth of San Qin in April is full of spring. From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping was accompanied by Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee Hu Heping and Governor Liu Guozhong, and then went to Shangluo, Ankang, Xi'an and other places to go deep into nature reserves, poor mountain areas, communities, schools, enterprises, etc. In Qinling's ecological environment protection, poverty alleviation, and resumption of production, etc., we conducted research on the overall promotion of the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development work, and won the battle of poverty alleviation.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping learned about the ecological and environmental protection of the Qinling Mountains in the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
The Qinling Mountains are an important ecological security barrier in China. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on investigating and punishing illegal villa construction in the northern foothills of Qinling Mountain and strengthening ecological protection in Qinling Mountain. On the afternoon of the 20th, Xi Jinping arrived in Zhashui County, Shangluo City. He first came to the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains, walked into the Niu Niu Valley to see the natural ecology, and praised it as a Oxygen bar ".
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping learned about the ecological and environmental protection of the Qinling Mountains in the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Later, Xi Jinping took a car to the Moon Yat at an altitude of 1700 meters, overlooking the main peak of Niubeiliang in the Qinling Mountains, and listened to Shaanxi Province's work report on the illegal building of villas in the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains, as well as ecological protection. Xi Jinping emphasized that the Qinling Mountains and the north, south, and north are the world's central water tower, and the ancestral line of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese culture. Protecting the ecological environment of the Qinling Mountains is of great and far-reaching significance for ensuring the longevity of the Chinese nation, achieving the goal of "two hundred years" and achieving sustainable development. Shaanxi must draw lessons from the problem of illegal villa construction in Qinling, painfully ponder, and sound the alarm bells, with a spirit of being highly responsible to the party, to history, and to the people, in order to achieve success without putting in my mind, put the environmental protection and restoration work of Qinling. Take an important position, perform good responsibilities, and be a good Qinling Ecological Guardian. You must not repeat the same mistakes and must not be infamous in history. To consciously speak about politics, be aware of the power of the country, pay attention to what the Party Central Committee is concerned about, emphasize what, and deeply understand what is the most important interest of the party and the country, and what is the position that needs to be firmly maintained, and effectively strengthen the "four "Awareness", firmness of "four self-confidences", and "two maintenances" fall into action, and we should not stop at the slogan.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping is in the Moon Bay of Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains. He is looking at the natural ecology of the Qinling Mountains, learning about the lessons learned from the illegal villa construction in the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province, and the ecological protection. . Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Leaving the reserve, following a steep mountain road, Xi Jinping took a bus to Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County to investigate the situation of poverty alleviation. Jinmi Village, located deep in the Qinling Mountains, was once an extremely poor village. In recent years, the whole village has been lifted out of poverty through the development of industries such as fungus, Chinese medicinal materials, and tourism. Xi Jinping walked through the village to see the appearance of the village, walked into the village training center, the intelligent joint fungus shed, learned about the variety and planting process of the fungus, inquired about the price of fungus, the sales and the income of the villagers, and praised them for making the small fungus a big industry. Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of the poverty alleviation industry focuses on the benefit of the masses, and it is difficult to maintain stability. It is necessary to extend the industrial chain, improve the ability to resist risks, and establish a more stable mechanism for connecting interests to ensure that the poor continue to increase their income steadily. Getting rid of poverty is not the end, but the starting point for a new life and new struggle. Next, we must do a great article on rural revitalization to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping was in Jinmi Village Training Center, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, Shangluo City, to learn about the development of the fungus industry in the village. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This was April 20. Xi Jinping was in the fungus shed at the Intelligent Link Building, Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, Shangluo City, and had a cordial exchange with the villagers. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping was in Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, Shangluo City, and learned about the development of the fungus industry in the village. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This was April 20. When Xi Jinping inspected Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, Shangluo City, he waved to the villagers. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Ankang City is located in the core area of the concentrated and destitute area in the Qinba Mountains. On the morning of the 21st, Xi Jinping came to Jinping Community, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City. In Jinping community, 1,346 households and 4,173 people from poor families have been resettled. Xi Jinping inspected the community electronics processing plants, plush toy factories, and apparel company product showrooms, and affirmed the local development strategy of "developing industries on the mountain, building communities in the mountains, and establishing factories in the community", and encouraged companies to work hard to overcome the disadvantages caused by the epidemic. Influence, and actively expand the domestic market. Xi Jinping emphasized that this year is the year of a decisive battle against poverty and it is very important to solve the employment problem of the poor. Party committees and governments at all levels should increase support and ensure the employment of the poor by various methods. The people in the town heard that the general secretary was coming, and came to the street one after another, saying hello to the general secretary loudly. Xi Jinping wishes the villagers happiness and well-being!
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21, Xi Jinping visited the community plush toy factory in Jinping Community, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City to understand the employment situation of the relocated people. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
In the relocated household Wang Xianping's family, Xi Jinping sat with a family of old and young to gather together. Wang Xianping told the general secretary that in the mountains, he used to live in an earthen house and walked a mountain road. It was inconvenient to do anything. After moving to the community, the family moved into a building with three rooms and two halls. Take care of the elderly and live a good life that was not possible in the past. Xi Jinping was very happy to hear it. He emphasized that relocation is a fundamental way to solve the problem of poor soil and water on the one hand, and to achieve leapfrog development for the poor. It is also an important way to win the battle against poverty. After the problems that have been moved are basically solved, the most crucial thing for subsequent support is employment. Only Leye can settle down. Only by solving the employment problem can we ensure that the relocated people are stable, can gradually become rich, and prevent returning to poverty. The relocated people come from all directions, and it is important to strengthen community building. Grassroots party organizations should play a leading role in leadership, do a good job in community management and service, seek truth and be pragmatic, and let the people obtain tangible benefits.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21, Xi Jinping sits with the relocated family Wang Xianping in Jinping Community, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Afterwards, Xi Jinping came to the Laoxian Township Health Center to learn about the work of grassroots health and epidemic prevention and medical security, and expressed his cordial condolences to the majority of medical personnel who adhere to the frontline of epidemic prevention and epidemic prevention. Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the completion of shortcomings in public health services, strengthen the capacity for prevention and control of epidemic situations in rural areas and communities, and normalize various prevention and control measures.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21, Xi Jinping was in the health center of Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City, learning about the work of grassroots health and epidemic prevention and medical security. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
The fourth to sixth grade students of the town center elementary school have started on April 20. Xi Jinping entered the classroom, and the children said hello to Grandpa Xi in unison. Xi Jinping asked the children about their study and life. He emphasized that we must promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, narrow the gap between urban and rural education resources, promote equity in education, and cut off intergenerational transmission of poverty. Xi Jinping then went to the school cafeteria to learn about the food and prevention and control of the epidemic situation after school resumption, and instructed them to strengthen the disinfection of key places in the school to provide a safe environment for resumption of school.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21, Xi Jinping was in the cafeteria of the Central Primary School in Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City to learn about the prevention and control of the student's food and the epidemic situation after returning to school. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Nuwa Phoenix Tea Modern Demonstration Park, located in Jiangjiaping Village, Laoxian Township, belongs to the Sushang-Shaanxi Poverty Alleviation Collaborative Project. Through the "party branch + leading enterprise + poor households" model, it has driven more than 100 poor households to increase their annual income by more than 1,000 yuan. In the deep mountains, the spring rain pours, and the clouds are misty. Xi Jinping stepped up, stepped into the tea plantation, inspected the growth of spring tea along the way, chatted with tea farmers, and carefully asked about the tea harvest, prices and villagers' land circulation, participation in dividends, and labor income. He pointed out that people will live up to the mountains, and the mountains will live up to them. Green water and green mountains are both natural wealth and economic wealth. It is hoped that the folks will unswervingly take the road of ecological priority and green development, get rich due to tea, develop business due to tea, and get rid of poverty and become well-off.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21st. Xi Jinping was in the modern demonstration zone of Nuwa Phoenix Tea Modern Demonstration Park in Jiangjiaping Village, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
On the 22nd, Xi Jinping inspected the resumption of production and economic and social recovery in Xi'an. Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group Co., Ltd. is an influential manufacturing enterprise in the northwest region. Xi Jinping had a detailed understanding of product development, production, sales, and resumption of production, and expressed appreciation to them for overcoming the impact of the epidemic and creating a record high in production and sales. A busy scene in the assembly shop. Xi Jinping inspected the interior production line and the general assembly production line, and was interested in boarding the assembled civilian heavy truck cab, asking the technicians about product performance and operation procedures. Xi Jinping emphasized that manufacturing is the lifeblood of the national economy. Large state-owned enterprises should play a leading role and, on the premise of grasping the prevention and control of normal epidemic situations, drive upstream and downstream industries and small and medium-sized enterprises to resume full production and production. Xi Jinping pointed out that in the new era, Shaanxi must have the ambition and courage to stand up to the tide and fight for the tide of the times. It must not only seize the major opportunities such as the development of the western region and jointly build the “Belt and Road”, but also be good at the crisis and challenges ahead Seize and create opportunities, constantly develop new models, new formats, new technologies, and new products, create new and greater achievements, and step onto a new level.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, Xi Jinping inspected the production line in the assembly shop of Shaanxi Automobile Holdings Group Co., Ltd. to understand the product development, production, sales and resumption of production. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, Xi Jinping inspected the production line in the assembly shop of Shaanxi Automobile Holdings Group Co., Ltd. to understand the product development, production, sales and resumption of production. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, when Xi Jinping visited Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group Co., Ltd., he communicated cordially with employees of the enterprise. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
The Jiaotong University Xiqian Museum is located on the Xingqing campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University. In the 1950s, a group of Jiaotong University members responded to the party ’s call and “started with a backpack” and moved from Shanghai to Xi’an. The exhibition halls on the second and third floors of the museum present the entrepreneurial history and brilliant achievements of Jiaotong University's westward migration. Xi Jinping took a closer look at the photos and the real objects. In the lobby on the ground floor, Xi Jinping cordially met with 14 old Xiqian professors and wished them good health and family happiness. Xi Jinping pointed out that the core of the "Westward Spirit" is patriotism, the essence is to listen to the party ’s command and follow the party, breathe with the party and the country, the nation and the people, and share the fate, which has profound practical and historical significance. It is necessary to uphold the party's overall leadership over the work of colleges and universities, insist on building up morals, build a team of high-quality teachers, and strive to train more first-class talents. Xi Jinping encouraged the teachers and students to vigorously promote the "Westward Spirit", seize the new opportunities in the new era, build meritorious careers where the motherland needs it most, and create the historical merits of our generation on the new journey.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, Xi Jinping visited Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an Jiaotong University Xiqian Museum. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, Xi Jinping cordially met with the old professor of Xiqian at the Xiqian Museum of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
In the evening, Xi Jinping took a bus to the Datang Sleepless City Pedestrian Street next to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Since the outbreak, the bustling pedestrian street used to be empty, but it is now lively again. Xi Jinping walked into the pedestrian street and learned about the restoration of the pedestrian street. Tourists along the way saw the general secretary, cheering in surprise, Xi Jinping waved his hands frequently. He walked into the well-established Xi'an restaurant and talked enthusiastically with the shop assistant and the customers who were eating. Xi Jinping emphasized that, on the premise of scientific prevention and control of epidemic situations, it is necessary to orderly promote the resumption of business in various shopping malls and markets, and strive to restore normal order of life.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission in Shaanxi
习近平在陕西考察时强调 扎实做好“六稳”工作落实“六保”任务
2020-04-23 17:15:58 来源: 新华网
新华社西安4月23日电 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日在陕西考察时强调,要全面落实党中央决策部署,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,扎实做好稳就业、稳金融、稳外贸、稳外资、稳投资、稳预期工作,全面落实保居民就业、保基本民生、保市场主体、保粮食能源安全、保产业链供应链稳定、保基层运转任务,努力克服新冠肺炎疫情带来的不利影响,确保完成决战决胜脱贫攻坚目标任务,全面建成小康社会,奋力谱写陕西新时代追赶超越新篇章。四月的三秦大地,到处春意盎然。4月20日至23日,习近平在陕西省委书记胡和平和省长刘国中陪同下,先后来到商洛、安康、西安等地,深入自然保护区、贫困山区、社区、学校、企业等,了解秦岭生态环境保护、脱贫攻坚、复工复产等情况,就统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作、打赢脱贫攻坚战进行调研,看望慰问干部群众。
【纠错】 责任编辑: 成岚
2020-04-23 23:22:22 来源: 新华社
During his inspection in Shaanxi, Xi Jinping emphasized to do a good job of the "six stability" and implement the "six guarantees" task
Strive to compose a new era in Shaanxi to catch up and surpass a new chapter
2020-04-23 17:15:58 Source: Xinhuanet
Focus on learning
Xinhua News Agency, Xi'an, April 23 (Xinhua, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping recently emphasized in the inspection in Shaanxi that the Party Central Committee should implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, adhere to the general tone of steady progress, adhere to the new development concept, and be solid Do a good job of stabilizing employment, stabilizing finance, stabilizing foreign trade, stabilizing foreign investment, stabilizing investment, stabilizing expectations, and fully implementing guarantees for employment, basic livelihood, market players, food and energy security, supply chain stability, and grassroots operations Mission, work hard to overcome the adverse impact of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, ensure the completion of the decisive battle and the goal of poverty alleviation, fully build a well-off society, and strive to write a new era in Shaanxi to catch up and surpass the new chapter.
The earth of San Qin in April is full of spring. From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping was accompanied by Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee Hu Heping and Governor Liu Guozhong, and then went to Shangluo, Ankang, Xi'an and other places to go deep into nature reserves, poor mountain areas, communities, schools, enterprises, etc. In Qinling's ecological environment protection, poverty alleviation, and resumption of production, etc., we conducted research on the overall promotion of the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development work, and won the battle of poverty alleviation.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping learned about the ecological and environmental protection of the Qinling Mountains in the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
The Qinling Mountains are an important ecological security barrier in China. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on investigating and punishing illegal villa construction in the northern foothills of Qinling Mountain and strengthening ecological protection in Qinling Mountain. On the afternoon of the 20th, Xi Jinping arrived in Zhashui County, Shangluo City. He first came to the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains, walked into the Niu Niu Valley to see the natural ecology, and praised it as a Oxygen bar ".
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping learned about the ecological and environmental protection of the Qinling Mountains in the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Later, Xi Jinping took a car to the Moon Yat at an altitude of 1700 meters, overlooking the main peak of Niubeiliang in the Qinling Mountains, and listened to Shaanxi Province's work report on the illegal building of villas in the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains, as well as ecological protection. Xi Jinping emphasized that the Qinling Mountains and the north, south, and north are the world's central water tower, and the ancestral line of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese culture. Protecting the ecological environment of the Qinling Mountains is of great and far-reaching significance for ensuring the longevity of the Chinese nation, achieving the goal of "two hundred years" and achieving sustainable development. Shaanxi must draw lessons from the problem of illegal villa construction in Qinling, painfully ponder, and sound the alarm bells, with a spirit of being highly responsible to the party, to history, and to the people, in order to achieve success without putting in my mind, put the environmental protection and restoration work of Qinling. Take an important position, perform good responsibilities, and be a good Qinling Ecological Guardian. You must not repeat the same mistakes and must not be infamous in history. To consciously speak about politics, be aware of the power of the country, pay attention to what the Party Central Committee is concerned about, emphasize what, and deeply understand what is the most important interest of the party and the country, and what is the position that needs to be firmly maintained, and effectively strengthen the "four "Awareness", firmness of "four self-confidences", and "two maintenances" fall into action, and we should not stop at the slogan.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping is in the Moon Bay of Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains. He is looking at the natural ecology of the Qinling Mountains, learning about the lessons learned from the illegal villa construction in the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province, and the ecological protection. . Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Leaving the reserve, following a steep mountain road, Xi Jinping took a bus to Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County to investigate the situation of poverty alleviation. Jinmi Village, located deep in the Qinling Mountains, was once an extremely poor village. In recent years, the whole village has been lifted out of poverty through the development of industries such as fungus, Chinese medicinal materials, and tourism. Xi Jinping walked through the village to see the appearance of the village, walked into the village training center, the intelligent joint fungus shed, learned about the variety and planting process of the fungus, inquired about the price of fungus, the sales and the income of the villagers, and praised them for making the small fungus a big industry. Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of the poverty alleviation industry focuses on the benefit of the masses, and it is difficult to maintain stability. It is necessary to extend the industrial chain, improve the ability to resist risks, and establish a more stable mechanism for connecting interests to ensure that the poor continue to increase their income steadily. Getting rid of poverty is not the end, but the starting point for a new life and new struggle. Next, we must do a great article on rural revitalization to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping was in Jinmi Village Training Center, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, Shangluo City, to learn about the development of the fungus industry in the village. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This was April 20. Xi Jinping was in the fungus shed at the Intelligent Link Building, Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, Shangluo City, and had a cordial exchange with the villagers. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 20. Xi Jinping was in Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, Shangluo City, and learned about the development of the fungus industry in the village. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This was April 20. When Xi Jinping inspected Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, Shangluo City, he waved to the villagers. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Ankang City is located in the core area of the concentrated and destitute area in the Qinba Mountains. On the morning of the 21st, Xi Jinping came to Jinping Community, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City. In Jinping community, 1,346 households and 4,173 people from poor families have been resettled. Xi Jinping inspected the community electronics processing plants, plush toy factories, and apparel company product showrooms, and affirmed the local development strategy of "developing industries on the mountain, building communities in the mountains, and establishing factories in the community", and encouraged companies to work hard to overcome the disadvantages caused by the epidemic. Influence, and actively expand the domestic market. Xi Jinping emphasized that this year is the year of a decisive battle against poverty and it is very important to solve the employment problem of the poor. Party committees and governments at all levels should increase support and ensure the employment of the poor by various methods. The people in the town heard that the general secretary was coming, and came to the street one after another, saying hello to the general secretary loudly. Xi Jinping wishes the villagers happiness and well-being!
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21, Xi Jinping visited the community plush toy factory in Jinping Community, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City to understand the employment situation of the relocated people. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
In the relocated household Wang Xianping's family, Xi Jinping sat with a family of old and young to gather together. Wang Xianping told the general secretary that in the mountains, he used to live in an earthen house and walked a mountain road. It was inconvenient to do anything. After moving to the community, the family moved into a building with three rooms and two halls. Take care of the elderly and live a good life that was not possible in the past. Xi Jinping was very happy to hear it. He emphasized that relocation is a fundamental way to solve the problem of poor soil and water on the one hand, and to achieve leapfrog development for the poor. It is also an important way to win the battle against poverty. After the problems that have been moved are basically solved, the most crucial thing for subsequent support is employment. Only Leye can settle down. Only by solving the employment problem can we ensure that the relocated people are stable, can gradually become rich, and prevent returning to poverty. The relocated people come from all directions, and it is important to strengthen community building. Grassroots party organizations should play a leading role in leadership, do a good job in community management and service, seek truth and be pragmatic, and let the people obtain tangible benefits.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21, Xi Jinping sits with the relocated family Wang Xianping in Jinping Community, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Afterwards, Xi Jinping came to the Laoxian Township Health Center to learn about the work of grassroots health and epidemic prevention and medical security, and expressed his cordial condolences to the majority of medical personnel who adhere to the frontline of epidemic prevention and epidemic prevention. Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the completion of shortcomings in public health services, strengthen the capacity for prevention and control of epidemic situations in rural areas and communities, and normalize various prevention and control measures.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21, Xi Jinping was in the health center of Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City, learning about the work of grassroots health and epidemic prevention and medical security. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
The fourth to sixth grade students of the town center elementary school have started on April 20. Xi Jinping entered the classroom, and the children said hello to Grandpa Xi in unison. Xi Jinping asked the children about their study and life. He emphasized that we must promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, narrow the gap between urban and rural education resources, promote equity in education, and cut off intergenerational transmission of poverty. Xi Jinping then went to the school cafeteria to learn about the food and prevention and control of the epidemic situation after school resumption, and instructed them to strengthen the disinfection of key places in the school to provide a safe environment for resumption of school.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21, Xi Jinping was in the cafeteria of the Central Primary School in Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City to learn about the prevention and control of the student's food and the epidemic situation after returning to school. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
Nuwa Phoenix Tea Modern Demonstration Park, located in Jiangjiaping Village, Laoxian Township, belongs to the Sushang-Shaanxi Poverty Alleviation Collaborative Project. Through the "party branch + leading enterprise + poor households" model, it has driven more than 100 poor households to increase their annual income by more than 1,000 yuan. In the deep mountains, the spring rain pours, and the clouds are misty. Xi Jinping stepped up, stepped into the tea plantation, inspected the growth of spring tea along the way, chatted with tea farmers, and carefully asked about the tea harvest, prices and villagers' land circulation, participation in dividends, and labor income. He pointed out that people will live up to the mountains, and the mountains will live up to them. Green water and green mountains are both natural wealth and economic wealth. It is hoped that the folks will unswervingly take the road of ecological priority and green development, get rich due to tea, develop business due to tea, and get rid of poverty and become well-off.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 21st. Xi Jinping was in the modern demonstration zone of Nuwa Phoenix Tea Modern Demonstration Park in Jiangjiaping Village, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
On the 22nd, Xi Jinping inspected the resumption of production and economic and social recovery in Xi'an. Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group Co., Ltd. is an influential manufacturing enterprise in the northwest region. Xi Jinping had a detailed understanding of product development, production, sales, and resumption of production, and expressed appreciation to them for overcoming the impact of the epidemic and creating a record high in production and sales. A busy scene in the assembly shop. Xi Jinping inspected the interior production line and the general assembly production line, and was interested in boarding the assembled civilian heavy truck cab, asking the technicians about product performance and operation procedures. Xi Jinping emphasized that manufacturing is the lifeblood of the national economy. Large state-owned enterprises should play a leading role and, on the premise of grasping the prevention and control of normal epidemic situations, drive upstream and downstream industries and small and medium-sized enterprises to resume full production and production. Xi Jinping pointed out that in the new era, Shaanxi must have the ambition and courage to stand up to the tide and fight for the tide of the times. It must not only seize the major opportunities such as the development of the western region and jointly build the “Belt and Road”, but also be good at the crisis and challenges ahead Seize and create opportunities, constantly develop new models, new formats, new technologies, and new products, create new and greater achievements, and step onto a new level.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, Xi Jinping inspected the production line in the assembly shop of Shaanxi Automobile Holdings Group Co., Ltd. to understand the product development, production, sales and resumption of production. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, Xi Jinping inspected the production line in the assembly shop of Shaanxi Automobile Holdings Group Co., Ltd. to understand the product development, production, sales and resumption of production. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, when Xi Jinping visited Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group Co., Ltd., he communicated cordially with employees of the enterprise. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
The Jiaotong University Xiqian Museum is located on the Xingqing campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University. In the 1950s, a group of Jiaotong University members responded to the party ’s call and “started with a backpack” and moved from Shanghai to Xi’an. The exhibition halls on the second and third floors of the museum present the entrepreneurial history and brilliant achievements of Jiaotong University's westward migration. Xi Jinping took a closer look at the photos and the real objects. In the lobby on the ground floor, Xi Jinping cordially met with 14 old Xiqian professors and wished them good health and family happiness. Xi Jinping pointed out that the core of the "Westward Spirit" is patriotism, the essence is to listen to the party ’s command and follow the party, breathe with the party and the country, the nation and the people, and share the fate, which has profound practical and historical significance. It is necessary to uphold the party's overall leadership over the work of colleges and universities, insist on building up morals, build a team of high-quality teachers, and strive to train more first-class talents. Xi Jinping encouraged the teachers and students to vigorously promote the "Westward Spirit", seize the new opportunities in the new era, build meritorious careers where the motherland needs it most, and create the historical merits of our generation on the new journey.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, Xi Jinping visited Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an Jiaotong University Xiqian Museum. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng photo
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shaanxi. This is April 22, Xi Jinping cordially met with the old professor of Xiqian at the Xiqian Museum of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi photo
In the evening, Xi Jinping took a bus to the Datang Sleepless City Pedestrian Street next to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Since the outbreak, the bustling pedestrian street used to be empty, but it is now lively again. Xi Jinping walked into the pedestrian street and learned about the restoration of the pedestrian street. Tourists along the way saw the general secretary, cheering in surprise, Xi Jinping waved his hands frequently. He walked into the well-established Xi'an restaurant and talked enthusiastically with the shop assistant and the customers who were eating. Xi Jinping emphasized that, on the premise of scientific prevention and control of epidemic situations, it is necessary to orderly promote the resumption of business in various shopping malls and markets, and strive to restore normal order of life.
From April 20 to 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission in Shaanxi