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Stroke Heng go beach pick up 41kg of rubbish! East coast plan?


why never collect cardboards?
hope he reflect his thoughts on pappies greed while doing this humble task, but highly doubtful

anyway why pay him a million to do this? publicity stunt written all over......so handy meh? got cameraman at hand
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A Singaporean

Give me his salary and I will hire 10 Ah Nehs to do this everyday and still have more thsn enough left over for me to have a great time.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sibeh eng, sweep floor at HDB neighbour, now go beach collect rubbish, then what is next?

Pattern more than Badminton! They really running out of ideas?


Alfrescian (Inf)
lets see

minister salary 1,100,000 PA= 91,666 PM=4,166 per day=520 per hour...........to pick up rubbish?
Trying to get into the Guiness Book of Records of being listed as the most highly paid rubbish collector in the
world, to go with the most highly paid DPM in the world. Ever.


GE 2020 over leow.No need to wayang lah. Since u have stroke history,better stay at home to rest and recuperate.