Striptease on Australia's Uluru angers Aborigines
(AFP) – 6 hours ago
Visitors are asked not to climb the rock because of its cultural significance to Aborigines but thousands do each year
SYDNEY — A woman who performed a striptease on top of Australia's giant red rock Uluru on Sunday prompted a renewed call for people to be banned from climbing the important indigenous site, a report said. Alizee Sery, 25, stripped down to a white bikini after climbing the central Australian monolith, formerly known as Ayers Rock, in what she described as a tribute to Aboriginal culture.
"I am aware that Uluru is sacred in their culture. My project is a tribute to the greatness of the Rock," she told the Sunday Territorian. "What we need to remember is that traditionally, the Aboriginal people were living naked. So stripping down was a return to what it was like." Her comments failed to impress David Ross, director of the Central Land Council, which covers Uluru, who said it was an indication of how many people ignored traditional owners' requests not to climb the monumental rock.
Ross said the 346-metre-high (1,142-foot) climb should be closed, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported. But Sery, who is reportedly French-born, said: "After such a hard climb, when you reach the top, the view and the magic of the place gives you an amazing feeling of peace and freedom. You want to sing, dance -- and strip." Visitors are asked not to climb the rock because of its cultural significance to Aborigines but thousands do each year.
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