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Stiff person syndrome & Hard flaccid syndrome



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What is stiff person syndrome?

Stiff person syndrome is a rare autoimmune neurological disorder that most commonly causes muscle stiffness and painful spasms that come and go and can worsen over time. However, some people experience other symptoms such as an unsteady gait, double vision or slurred speech.

the cause of Stiff Person Syndrome remains unknown, researchers suspect it may be caused by an autoimmune reaction.
Specifically, the immune system seems to attack a protein called glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), which helps make a substance called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

What you cannot do:
Unable to do many of the activities he previously could, such as driving, cleaning, cooking, and walking the dog – and is even unable to hug his family.
The rare, progressive neurological disorder causes stiff muscles in the torso, arms and legs.

Who might get it (orang putih stats)
SPS affects twice as many females as males.
It is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases such as type-I diabetes, thyroiditis, vitiligo, and pernicious anemia.
Scientists don't yet understand what causes SPS, but research indicates that it is the result of an autoimmune response gone awry in the brain and spinal cord.


For Sammyboy Seniors, instead of Stiff Person Syndrome, you may be hard flaccid syndrome....

What is hard flaccid syndrome?​

Reviewed by the medical professionals of the ISSM’s Communication Committee
What is hard flaccid syndrome?

Hard flaccid syndrome is characterized by chronic pain in the penis and perineum (the area between the genitals and the anus). The penis is also semi-rigid, even when it is flaccid (not erect).

Scientists have not yet developed an evidence-based definition of hard flaccid syndrome, and they continue to study it. Researchers have analyzed patient case reports and internet forums to learn more. However, it is not known how common this condition is.

Men with hard flaccid syndrome may experience the following symptoms:
  • Pain, especially when standing
  • Firmness or rigidity in the penis when it is flaccid (not erect)
  • Fewer morning erections
  • Numbness, coldness, or a “hollow” feeling in the penis
  • Erection difficulties, especially when a man is standing
  • A need for more stimulation to achieve an erection
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Painful urination
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
For some men, symptoms are worse during times of stress.
The actual cause of hard flaccid syndrome is not clear. Some men have reported that symptoms began after trauma to the penis during intercourse or vigorous masturbation.
Treatment may include medications for pain management, pelvic floor physical therapy, biofeedback, and stress reduction techniques. Men experiencing anxiety or depression may benefit from counseling.
