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Posted on 02 May 2010
Starhub insist we pay ex-foreign worker's bill or else they take legal action
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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A STOMPer is irked that he still gets reminder letters for payment from Starhub due to an ex-employee who has left the country. On top of that, Starhub is saying that if payment is not made, they will take legal action.
In an email, the STOMPer said:
"This issue have been going on although we have told them many many times that this foreign worker no longer work for us and has gone back to china. Thus, they are going to take action against if we do not pay. this letter has been sending to my house because his work permit is under my parents home.
"The staff did told me they have told the management but letter is still coming forward. although we can afford to pay the bill , but what for? I think its not worth it because he has gone back to china and can't be located.
"I hope the management could reply on this. Thanks."
Starhub insist we pay ex-foreign worker's bill or else they take legal action
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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A STOMPer is irked that he still gets reminder letters for payment from Starhub due to an ex-employee who has left the country. On top of that, Starhub is saying that if payment is not made, they will take legal action.
In an email, the STOMPer said:
"This issue have been going on although we have told them many many times that this foreign worker no longer work for us and has gone back to china. Thus, they are going to take action against if we do not pay. this letter has been sending to my house because his work permit is under my parents home.
"The staff did told me they have told the management but letter is still coming forward. although we can afford to pay the bill , but what for? I think its not worth it because he has gone back to china and can't be located.
"I hope the management could reply on this. Thanks."