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Serious SQ”s India JV Airline is Piece of Shit Airline


Alfrescian (Inf)
Both PRC and CECAland same, same and Pinoy too-so we must thank PAP for gifting locals with all three -best is when local degree expire in 5 years but fake degrees from these 3 countries are good forever .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Temasek flushing money down the toilet what else is new?

Now you know why GST needs to be raised. :biggrin:

Bailing out India's businesses. :cool:


In the 90s, when India’s civil aviation sector was opened up to private players, the group’s attempt to float a domestic airline in partnership with Singapore Airlines ended in disappointment with the government rejecting the proposal.

In 1994, the Tata group under Ratan Tata’s stewardship, had set up a joint venture with Singapore Airlines to start a domestic airline in India but it didn’t take off as the then regulations did not permit foreign carriers to hold stake in domestic airlines. Also, in 2000, the two partners teamed up to purchase stakes in Air India without success.

Still, the group never gave up on its hopes to fly again. In 2012, when India removed foreign investment restrictions, it came together yet again with Singapore Airlines to form a joint venture — TATA SIA Airlines Ltd, which was incorporated on November 5, 2013. The joint venture started services under Vistara brand from January 2015.