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May 14, 2011
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SPP names Pwee as 2nd assistant sec-gen
<!-- by line -->By Jeremy Au Yong
Mr Benjamin Pwee has been named as the party's second assistant secretary-general. --ST PHOTO: BRYAN VAN DER BEEK
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MR BENJAMIN Pwee, the Singapore People's Party's 'star catch' at the recent general election has been named as the party's second assistant secretary-general.
A statement released by the party this morning said that Mr Pwee had been co-opted into the central-executive committee with immediate effect.
Alongside Mr Pwee, two others have also been taken into the CEC: Mr Jimmy Lee, who was part of the party's Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC team, and Mr David Tan, a businessman who heads the SPP's SME Businessmen Affairs Bureau.
The changes are seen as a key step in the party's succession planning, with Mr Pwee set to take on a more prominent role in the party.
The SPP also revealed its five-year plan for improving its showing at the next polls. These include setting up party headquarters In Potong Pasir and starting Meet-the-People sessions.
On Thursday, the party announced that Mrs Lina Chiam would accept the NCMP seat.
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SPP names Pwee as 2nd assistant sec-gen
<!-- by line -->By Jeremy Au Yong

Mr Benjamin Pwee has been named as the party's second assistant secretary-general. --ST PHOTO: BRYAN VAN DER BEEK
<STYLE type=text/css>h4 { font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:normal; font-size:11px; line-height:140%; }h4.links {margin-bottom:3px;}a:link, a:visited { /*general links are #333333, and changes colour to blue#24718c on rollover*/color:#333333;text-decoration:none;}a:hover, a:active {text-decoration:none;color:#24718c;}.hr_thin { background-color:#c8c1ad; height:1px; margin:6px 0px; }</STYLE><!--
MR BENJAMIN Pwee, the Singapore People's Party's 'star catch' at the recent general election has been named as the party's second assistant secretary-general.
A statement released by the party this morning said that Mr Pwee had been co-opted into the central-executive committee with immediate effect.
Alongside Mr Pwee, two others have also been taken into the CEC: Mr Jimmy Lee, who was part of the party's Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC team, and Mr David Tan, a businessman who heads the SPP's SME Businessmen Affairs Bureau.
The changes are seen as a key step in the party's succession planning, with Mr Pwee set to take on a more prominent role in the party.
The SPP also revealed its five-year plan for improving its showing at the next polls. These include setting up party headquarters In Potong Pasir and starting Meet-the-People sessions.
On Thursday, the party announced that Mrs Lina Chiam would accept the NCMP seat.