<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR>Several options open to non-S'poreans
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<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><DIV class=story_text><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->I REFER to last Friday's letter by Mr Adrian Gopal, 'Pro-Singaporean policy in jobs, housing impractical'.
I agree that all Singaporeans, permanent residents (PRs), as well as foreign workers and professionals, contribute to the success of Singapore in one way or another. However, let us be realistic and acknowledge that any government in the world protects its citizens over non-citizens.
Those who are born Singaporeans have no choice but to stay and survive with the country. The only way out is to relocate to another country and face the same problems Mr Gopal faces now.
Non-Singaporeans have made a choice to leave their home countries and come to Singapore to live, work and start a family. Remember, the Singapore Government may give them a choice - to return to their home countries, remain a PR or become a Singaporean. Non-Singaporeans have more options than Singaporeans who decide to stay in Singapore.
Mr Gopal mentioned in his letter that he has a responsibility to take care of his parents, hence he has decided not to become a Singaporean. I respect his decision.
Lastly, I am also married to a Malaysian. My wife chose to remain a PR and has not enjoyed any pro-Singaporean benefits all these years. What can I say? This is her choice and we live by our choices.
Har Hoong Onn
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</TD></TR><TR><TD style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top" align=left>Posted by: mshen at Tue Feb 17 21:34:25 SGT 2009