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Posted on 09 May 2010
'Hey Singtel! I'd rather pay for 64 cups of coffee and choke than pay you to watch World Cup'
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Aaron is upset that while the World Cup will be shown in Singapore, fans here have to pay high fees to watch the tournament on the television.
The STOMPer, who directed his feedback on SingTel's chief of content and media services, Edward Ying, said:
"This is based what you said on The Straits Times about the cost of watching a World Cup match works out to be over $1 per match and that it is less than a price for a cup of coffee.
"Do you seriously want my two cents worth of comments? To be honest, I rather pay and drink 64 cups of coffee and get choked and die during the World Cup season than to pay the stupid amount of money just to watch the World Cup.
"I'm pretty impressed by how boastful one can get by having the chance to talk so much cock on national newspaper. Now I know why the rich gets richer in Singapore.
"I wonder how much Singtel or Starhub are going squeeze the money out of the poor innocent citizens just to watch the World Cup?
"Also, by trying to explaining yourselves that it wasn't the fault of paying so much just to secure the rights of the next season's BPL and at the same time beating your competitor to it.
"I wonder why Singtel and Starhub have to fight over next season's BPL when the both of the companies wanted to join venture in this year's World Cup. Isn't it silly dilly to do such nonsense. What are you guys trying to prove?
"What do you guys get out of it in the end? You know what? It's the poor citizens that are the biggest losers, as you guys put the cost on us.
"You also mentioned asking fans not to blame the telcos but to put it on this company called Football Media Services as they were the ones telling you guys that it's a take it or leave it situation. Do you think I'm stupid or what to not know what's happening?
"The best part is, both Singtel and Starhub customer service sucks big time. Too arrogant man. Try being humble and probably I would consider trying to be nicer to you guys.
"Please I beg of you guys. Stop giving us excuses to charge the citizens sky high prices. Damn! I would give this World Cup a miss anytime."
Keywords: SingTel , World Cup
'Hey Singtel! I'd rather pay for 64 cups of coffee and choke than pay you to watch World Cup'
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Aaron is upset that while the World Cup will be shown in Singapore, fans here have to pay high fees to watch the tournament on the television.
The STOMPer, who directed his feedback on SingTel's chief of content and media services, Edward Ying, said:
"This is based what you said on The Straits Times about the cost of watching a World Cup match works out to be over $1 per match and that it is less than a price for a cup of coffee.
"Do you seriously want my two cents worth of comments? To be honest, I rather pay and drink 64 cups of coffee and get choked and die during the World Cup season than to pay the stupid amount of money just to watch the World Cup.
"I'm pretty impressed by how boastful one can get by having the chance to talk so much cock on national newspaper. Now I know why the rich gets richer in Singapore.
"I wonder how much Singtel or Starhub are going squeeze the money out of the poor innocent citizens just to watch the World Cup?
"Also, by trying to explaining yourselves that it wasn't the fault of paying so much just to secure the rights of the next season's BPL and at the same time beating your competitor to it.
"I wonder why Singtel and Starhub have to fight over next season's BPL when the both of the companies wanted to join venture in this year's World Cup. Isn't it silly dilly to do such nonsense. What are you guys trying to prove?
"What do you guys get out of it in the end? You know what? It's the poor citizens that are the biggest losers, as you guys put the cost on us.
"You also mentioned asking fans not to blame the telcos but to put it on this company called Football Media Services as they were the ones telling you guys that it's a take it or leave it situation. Do you think I'm stupid or what to not know what's happening?
"The best part is, both Singtel and Starhub customer service sucks big time. Too arrogant man. Try being humble and probably I would consider trying to be nicer to you guys.
"Please I beg of you guys. Stop giving us excuses to charge the citizens sky high prices. Damn! I would give this World Cup a miss anytime."
Keywords: SingTel , World Cup