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Posted on 20 Apr 2010
Man refuses to pay bus fare and threatens bus captain
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This man threatened a bus captain verbally and physically when he was not allowed to take the bus, STOMPer surrephoto says. He was only allowed to commute after some mediation.
In an email, the STOMPer said:
"At about 10.15pm yesterday (19 April), I alighted from bus service 107M at the Lavender MRT Station bus stop and saw a commotion between a bus captain and a middle-aged man onboard bus service 7.
"Apparently, this 'mentally unstable' individual told the captain that he did not have money to pay for his bus fare.
"When he was not allowed to take the bus, he made a big fuss and proceeded to threaten the bus captain physically and verbally.
"The commotion lasted for 15 minutes until an old man and an adjacent bus captain came to mediate the situation.
"He was then allowed to commute.
"The bus's licence number was SBS 7393X."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: bus , threaten
Man refuses to pay bus fare and threatens bus captain

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This man threatened a bus captain verbally and physically when he was not allowed to take the bus, STOMPer surrephoto says. He was only allowed to commute after some mediation.
In an email, the STOMPer said:
"At about 10.15pm yesterday (19 April), I alighted from bus service 107M at the Lavender MRT Station bus stop and saw a commotion between a bus captain and a middle-aged man onboard bus service 7.
"Apparently, this 'mentally unstable' individual told the captain that he did not have money to pay for his bus fare.
"When he was not allowed to take the bus, he made a big fuss and proceeded to threaten the bus captain physically and verbally.
"The commotion lasted for 15 minutes until an old man and an adjacent bus captain came to mediate the situation.
"He was then allowed to commute.
"The bus's licence number was SBS 7393X."
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: bus , threaten