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Sporns Cannot Even Afford Columbarium Now


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 04 May 2010
Last farewell for a friend who chose to be buried at sea


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Ex-seaman witnessed his deceased friend's sea burial near Pulau Ubin, a practice which is not very common in Singapore.

Said the STOMPer:

"My close friend instructed his son to give him a proper sea burial one month before his demise.

"One morning his son went to the Mandai Crematorium to claim his remains and immediately headed for the Changi Point Ferry Terminal where his family, relatives and friends were gathered.

"We charted two bumboats for our party of 24 and each boat cost us $150 for the hire.

"The helmsmen took us to international waters near Chek Jawa , Pulau Ubin and then anchored their boats.

"His daughter-in-law prepared a box of flowers and his son carried his remains wrapped in a white cloth and placed in a rattan tray.

"After the final prayers his son released his remains into the sea.

"The family , relatives and friends then scattered the yellow and white flowers to bid the deceased a solemn and significant farewell.

"Sea burial helps to keep our environment clean and relieve the shortage of land in Singapore.

"Since 2007 the Hong Kong government has provided a free boat service to enable the next-of-kin of the deceased to scatter the ashes of loved ones at sea.

"Hong Kong could not afford the high cost of burial plots on land with a population of 7 million.

"In Tibet, sky burial is a common practice where the corpse is mutilated before being left on a mountain top for the vultures to enjoy a good meal."


Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: sea burials
They will receive a letter from MPA soon, then NEA, then Water Board, for not applying a permit to throw the ashes at sea..