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S'porean man threatens to post Bali woman's nude pics, kill her family if she doesn't give him money


A break-up between an Indonesian woman and a Singaporean man has led to extortion and death threats.

Stomper Anonymous alleged that her former boyfriend had threatened to share nude photos of her and kill her family if she did not give him the money he felt he deserved.

She said she had an eight-year relationship with the man, who is currently working in Cambodia.

"After many thoughts, I broke up with him," said the Stomper.

"He used nude photos and videos to extort money from me, blackmail and try to shame me. He threatened to kill me and all my family members."

She shared screenshots of her ex's WhatsApp messages, where he asked for 250 million rupiah (S$20,700) from her.


When she rejected him, he threatened: "I will make you no future. I will make you malu (embarrassed). I got hundreds of ways (of) doing it.

"I will make you cannot face anyone you know. In Bali and Balai. This is what you made me (do)."


He later added: "If you wanna see sample, I can send to you.

"By 6pm, I don't see the transfer, i will start to post in Bali guide group, FB and Instagram."

She replied: "Anything you want to post, up to you."


The man then sent the Stomper a video screenshot of her in the nude with the text: "Ok, good luck. 6pm."

The Stomper also shared the voice messages he sent to her mother where her family members were threatened.

"She doesn't want face, fine," he can be heard saying in Mandarin in one voice message.

"On the whole island of Bali, I won't give her face.

"Because of 50, 100 million rupiah, she doesn't want face, can. Wait for me to return next year and kill every one of you."

The Stomper said: "I can confirm all is true.

"This is to teach all other youngsters to learn from my mistakes and avoid this type of person in their life."


A break-up between an Indonesian woman and a Singaporean man has led to extortion and death threats.

Stomper Anonymous alleged that her former boyfriend had threatened to share nude photos of her and kill her family if she did not give him the money he felt he deserved.

She said she had an eight-year relationship with the man, who is currently working in Cambodia.

"After many thoughts, I broke up with him," said the Stomper.

"He used nude photos and videos to extort money from me, blackmail and try to shame me. He threatened to kill me and all my family members."

She shared screenshots of her ex's WhatsApp messages, where he asked for 250 million rupiah (S$20,700) from her.


When she rejected him, he threatened: "I will make you no future. I will make you malu (embarrassed). I got hundreds of ways (of) doing it.

"I will make you cannot face anyone you know. In Bali and Balai. This is what you made me (do)."


He later added: "If you wanna see sample, I can send to you.

"By 6pm, I don't see the transfer, i will start to post in Bali guide group, FB and Instagram."

She replied: "Anything you want to post, up to you."


The man then sent the Stomper a video screenshot of her in the nude with the text: "Ok, good luck. 6pm."

The Stomper also shared the voice messages he sent to her mother where her family members were threatened.

"She doesn't want face, fine," he can be heard saying in Mandarin in one voice message.

"On the whole island of Bali, I won't give her face.

"Because of 50, 100 million rupiah, she doesn't want face, can. Wait for me to return next year and kill every one of you."

The Stomper said: "I can confirm all is true.

"This is to teach all other youngsters to learn from my mistakes and avoid this type of person in their life."
You must copy the extortion templates. Might come in handy one day.
  • Haha
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