Woman has abortion aboard flight, forces emergency landing at Chennai
Posted On: 13-Dec-2009
Chennai: A Singapore Airlines Flight en route Singapore from Belfast in Ireland was forced to make an emergency landing at the airport here today after one of its passengers suffered abortion and needed immediate medical attention.
Airport Sources said Ler-Siem-Kee (27), a Singapore National, was three and half months pregnant and travelling to her native along with her husband Leehanliang (35) and two children when she suddenly experienced severe pain in the abodomen and suffered abortion.
The Cabin Crew immediately informed the Captain of the plane which was flying over the Chennai airspace she required emergency treatment.
Woman has abortion aboard flight, forces emergency landing at Chennai
Posted On: 13-Dec-2009
Chennai: A Singapore Airlines Flight en route Singapore from Belfast in Ireland was forced to make an emergency landing at the airport here today after one of its passengers suffered abortion and needed immediate medical attention.
Airport Sources said Ler-Siem-Kee (27), a Singapore National, was three and half months pregnant and travelling to her native along with her husband Leehanliang (35) and two children when she suddenly experienced severe pain in the abodomen and suffered abortion.
The Cabin Crew immediately informed the Captain of the plane which was flying over the Chennai airspace she required emergency treatment.