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SPGs give up looking for partner at age 35


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 23 Apr 2010
One in three single women give up looking for partner at age 35


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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In a local survey of 100 single women by a dating agency, 30% of them responded that they would give up looking for a partner at the relatively young age of 35. STOMPer Casa thinks this has something to do with the child bearing age range of women.

The survey was conduct by Table For Six, a Singapore dating agency, with 100 women between the ages of 21 and 50.

Other results from the survey:

Biggest difficulty: 25% said that the biggest difficulty they face in looking for a partner is "They always attract the wrong kind of men".

Biggest turn-offs: Up to 30% indicated that the two biggest turn-offs are "Not being generous" and "Insensitive".

Back-up plan: 25% of the women will "engage in social work" for the rest of their lives if they cannot find a partner.

Most important quality looked for in a partner: 45% wanted their potential partners to demonstrate a "positive mindset and outlook in life"

Single parenthood: 36% of the women said that if they wanted to be a single parent without getting married, they would "look for a man with the same intention".

Responding to these interesting results, STOMPer Casa said:

"Why are S'porean women giving up when they are still so young?

"Is it because of the issue of child bearing age?"

"I also don't understand why they would want a kid without marriage. What does this mean for the kid?"
Back-up plan: 25% of the women will "engage in social work" for the rest of their lives if they cannot find a partner.

It means moonlighting as a free lance prostitute.
Wow...The Da Vinci Code is back. Robert Langdon is here to decipher:

Biggest difficulty: 25% said that the biggest difficulty they face in looking for a partner is "They always attract the wrong kind of men".

Yet to meet a rich and handsome guy.

Biggest turn-offs: Up to 30% indicated that the two biggest turn-offs are "Not being generous" and "Insensitive".

Didn't bring me to posh restaurants and ignored my hint for a LV bag.

Most important quality looked for in a partner: 45% wanted their potential partners to demonstrate a "positive mindset and outlook in life"

A good career regardless of the state of the economy.
actually, hor, answer 2 all dose 3 questions iz oni 1 symbol ... $ ...
Quite agree with the women opinion. After 35 why want to get married. After married already pass expired date to born baby.
What is the purpose of getting married - main purpose is to start up family with kids.
If not no need to married right.
If don't want kid just keep dating if need sex just find a sex partner. Nowday girl thinking also very modern, if they need sex just find fuck buddy(FB). Not string attach don't like it just break off. If both have feeling just keep on dating as life partner both taking care of each others. If anything go wrong no need go thru so many trouble like divorce/parents/property..................
some of us locals here do not want to face the reality in current state in Singapore. Singapore has to keep importing FT's to keep the country running since there are no natural resources.....it is going to be like HK in 10 years time.......the glory days are over......the best and resourceful will survive!
Quite agree with the women opinion. After 35 why want to get married. After married already pass expired date to born baby.
What is the purpose of getting married - main purpose is to start up family with kids.
If not no need to married right.
If don't want kid just keep dating if need sex just find a sex partner. Nowday girl thinking also very modern, if they need sex just find fuck buddy(FB). Not string attach don't like it just break off. If both have feeling just keep on dating as life partner both taking care of each others. If anything go wrong no need go thru so many trouble like divorce/parents/property..................

Women above 40 years of age have tremendous difficulties trying to get laid.
Women above 40 years of age have tremendous difficulties trying to get laid.

No. All depend on the feel. Women above 40 are actually easy going because they know what is their market value. And they also know what they want. If want $$$ sure very difficult for them to compete with 20++.
So what they want is companion and feel/sex.
These old maids were left on the shelf because they were too picky when they were younger. Only have to read the many threads on Spore women :D

Now that these women are aunties, their market value must be low. if they continue to be picky they'll remain single forever. Victims of the Spore system :rolleyes:
These old maids were left on the shelf because they were too picky when they were younger. Only have to read the many threads on Spore women :D

Now that these women are aunties, their market value must be low. if they continue to be picky they'll remain single forever. Victims of the Spore system :rolleyes:

Serves them right :p

F*CK THE WOMENS CHARTER !!! :mad: :( :mad:
I would recommend that these women hook up with prc national males.
Some of them are quite handsome, most of them have "positive mindsets and outlooks" in life.
I would recommend that these women hook up with prc national males.
Some of them are quite handsome, most of them have "positive mindsets and outlooks" in life.

Hmm...perhaps i can jot this down under Singapore Urban Legends. :oIo:
Biggest difficulty: 25% said that the biggest difficulty they face in looking for a partner is "They always attract the wrong kind of men".

They always use sex to attract men in the 1st place.

Most important quality looked for in a partner: 45% wanted their potential partners to demonstrate a "positive mindset and outlook in life"

You cannot feel down and out when talking to me.
With a sample size of 100, the results are not very convincing at all.
no need to care about the sampling error. Your interaction with the typical sinkie whores would have told you that they are literally asking for the moon when they have nothing much to offer in return. Hence they are taken off the shelves, not to be consumed, but to be thrown away as an expired product.

Hey sinkie whores! Instead of waiting for that perfect man to fly you to the moon, may i suggest that you wake-the fuck-up and start building your own rocket to the moon la!