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Posted on 22 Feb 2010
I was forced to give up my seat to a ... man
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Jingxuan was appalled that he had to give up his seat to a man on the train in an uneasy situation. According to the STOMPer, the man's girlfriend squeezed the bags between her and Jingxuan to make him feel uncomfortable so that he would stand up, allowing her boyfriend to sit beside her.
The STOMPer told STOMP in an email:
"I boarded the MRT train at Raffles Place. It was quite empty at the time of about two in the afternoon.
"There were no commuters standing. I was sitting where the man in black (in the middle) is shown in the photo here.
"I was writing something on my lap when I felt something squeezing on the right side of my thigh.
"The woman in black had put her bags between us and kept squeezing it. I felt very uncomfortable so I immediately got up to see what she wanted.
"She immediately took her bag up and told her boyfriend to sit down. I was in total shock.
"Was he pregnant? The world has totally changed.
"I have always thought that other people don't give up their seats and are inconsiderate. But what I have encountered is so much more worse than that
I was forced to give up my seat to a ... man
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Jingxuan was appalled that he had to give up his seat to a man on the train in an uneasy situation. According to the STOMPer, the man's girlfriend squeezed the bags between her and Jingxuan to make him feel uncomfortable so that he would stand up, allowing her boyfriend to sit beside her.
The STOMPer told STOMP in an email:
"I boarded the MRT train at Raffles Place. It was quite empty at the time of about two in the afternoon.
"There were no commuters standing. I was sitting where the man in black (in the middle) is shown in the photo here.
"I was writing something on my lap when I felt something squeezing on the right side of my thigh.
"The woman in black had put her bags between us and kept squeezing it. I felt very uncomfortable so I immediately got up to see what she wanted.
"She immediately took her bag up and told her boyfriend to sit down. I was in total shock.
"Was he pregnant? The world has totally changed.
"I have always thought that other people don't give up their seats and are inconsiderate. But what I have encountered is so much more worse than that