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SPG Kena Flogged By Niger FTrash Hubby! No White, Black Also Can?!


Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR>And as usual, under 1 cuntry, 2 systems, the FTrash can get away with a ridiculous sentence!

Man jailed for threatening, whipping wife

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William Joseph McClelland poured oil on his wife and threatened her with a lighter.


<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->WHEN an American told his Singaporean wife he was leaving her, she neither responded nor begged him to stay.
Livid, William Joseph McClelland, a 50-year-old nutritionist, went on a rampage, whipping and threatening her. His May 25 outburst yesterday landed him a total of 12 weeks in jail for causing hurt and using criminal intimidation.
A Community Court heard that he raised a chair to hit Madam Kuppammal Rani Panchanathan, 38, who ran into a room in their Chua Chu Kang home and crouched in a corner, cowering in terror.
He caught up with her, grabbed her and flogged her thighs and buttocks with his belt.
He stopped only when she resisted.
But the abuse did not end there.
She grabbed their daughter aged two and retreated into the children's room, where she sat on the bed with the girl and their other child, a boy.
Her mother was also in the room.
McClelland entered the room with a bottle of cooking oil in one hand and a lighter in the other. He ignited the lighter and said to her: 'You think you have a pretty face? I can burn your face.'
He poured the oil on her head and the bed; some of it landed on the children as well.
He then left the room, splashing oil as he went, and closed the door. He held onto the door knob so his mother-in-law could not open the door.
His wife lodged a police report the same day.
McClelland's sentence was backdated to May 27. Madam Kuppammal has since filed for a divorce.