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Posted on 14 May 2010
Bloggers or beggars? Girl asks for free breast implants on blog
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer G-Girl was disturbed when female blogger Qiu Qiu recently asked her readers to pay for her breast augmentation surgery in her blog. She wonders whether such behaviour is healthy.
On her blog, Qiu Qiu had said that she wanted sponsorship so that she could 'openly share' the experience of getting implants on her blog, claiming that she was not out to 'squeeze money' out of her readers.
Said the STOMPer in an email today (May 14):
"It is disturbing to see blogger-models nowadays aggressively looking for sponsorship.
"Frustrating as it is, they are constantly getting free deals and 'brainwashing' their readers.
"This call for sponsorship for breast augmentation surgery from Qiu Qiu, was it meant to be a joke? Or did she really mean it?
"'Oh, and.. I already have a hair sponsor, clothings sponsorssss, plenty of movies to go to, invites to good meals and a YACHT RIDE for my birthday'.
"Is this a healthy sign?"
Bloggers or beggars? Girl asks for free breast implants on blog
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer G-Girl was disturbed when female blogger Qiu Qiu recently asked her readers to pay for her breast augmentation surgery in her blog. She wonders whether such behaviour is healthy.
On her blog, Qiu Qiu had said that she wanted sponsorship so that she could 'openly share' the experience of getting implants on her blog, claiming that she was not out to 'squeeze money' out of her readers.
Said the STOMPer in an email today (May 14):
"It is disturbing to see blogger-models nowadays aggressively looking for sponsorship.
"Frustrating as it is, they are constantly getting free deals and 'brainwashing' their readers.
"This call for sponsorship for breast augmentation surgery from Qiu Qiu, was it meant to be a joke? Or did she really mean it?
"'Oh, and.. I already have a hair sponsor, clothings sponsorssss, plenty of movies to go to, invites to good meals and a YACHT RIDE for my birthday'.
"Is this a healthy sign?"