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SPF will allow Muslim Abuumar to enter Singapore?


Brazil deports Palestinian with Malaysian family for Hamas connection

Brazilian judge agrees with authorities that Muslim Abuumar was planning to live in Brazil and become a spokesman for Hamas.

PETALING JAYA: Brazil deported a Palestinian man and his Malaysian family after federal police were tipped off by the US that a “Hamas operative” was en route to Sao Paulo, Brazilian authorities said yesterday.

Muslim Abuumar and his family were detained on Friday at the Guarulhos International Airport after arriving from Kuala Lumpur, then held for two days before being put on a Qatar Airways flight to Doha, Reuters reported, quoting sources.

“The request came from the US department of state,” a senior federal police officer said.

“It was proven before a judge that (Abuumar) was deeply involved with Hamas.”

syed putra

P.enty of lebanese and arab descent spread all over the world due to carnage at home. US, south America, Australia, europe. Those who left earlier are already making good living as professionals. Those that came later have problem assimilating due to huge numbers.

syed putra

What the fuck does this Muslim want to go to Brazil for….join the rio carnival ?
Carlos Ghosn is of lebanese descent and a Brazilian. CEO of Michelin, then renault ad nissan.
Jacques Nasser another lebanese and one time CEO of ford motor US. Is Australian.