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Serious Speaker Chuan Jin Go 'Bai Nian' To Minister Josephine In Wet T-Shirt With Nipples Poking Out! Respectful or Not?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Spent the last nearly 2 hours running round Eastern half of Kembangan, up and down streets, back again, and again as I tried to loop through most of the streets, greeting residents where convenient, chatting with some, taking pics…. The rain didn’t help but it was at least very very cool!

Good to see you all celebrating with your families and friends!!

Met @joteo.ylm Josephine Teo too…my resident

#吐年 workout
#whoisthatsiaolangatthegatewaving C’est moi



Spent the last nearly 2 hours running round Eastern half of Kembangan, up and down streets, back again, and again as I tried to loop through most of the streets, greeting residents where convenient, chatting with some, taking pics…. The rain didn’t help but it was at least very very cool!

Good to see you all celebrating with your families and friends!!

Met @joteo.ylm Josephine Teo too…my resident

#吐年 workout
#whoisthatsiaolangatthegatewaving C’est moi

John Tan, your house is bigger than this?


Alfrescian (Inf)
If he wore rabbit ears with his workout attire it would have been perfect.
