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Spanish empire was filthy rich from gold and silver from its american colonies

syed putra

But they did not have the skills to utilise and benefit from it. More like say Saudi got oil but eventually will end up poor.


syed putra

In the old days, ii was silk, china and tea, in the current situation, just about every consumer products flow from china to spain. So what will be the outcome?
Chinese are hoarding wealth and using it to build its army.


Alfrescian (Inf)
if china were to sexport her daughters over 369 years ago as sex slaves and prostitutes she would have conquered the known world with her voracious vagina.


Alfrescian (Inf)
And being deluded Catholics, they squandered a lot of that wealth to build fancy cathedrals.

Refer to Mexico and Philippines, which were once colonies of Spain. :cool: